On February 28, the Party Committee of Phu Tho Provincial People's Committee held the First Executive Committee Conference to announce the decision to establish a subordinate Party organization and personnel work.
At the conference, the Executive Committee of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee announced the decisions of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the establishment of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee; the decision to appoint the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Secretary, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term; the decision to appoint additional members of the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee, members, Chairman, and Vice Chairman of the Inspection Committee of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee for the 2020-2025 term.
The Provincial People's Committee Party Committee consists of 36 grassroots Party organizations (29 Party Committees, 7 Party Cells) with a total of 6,238 Party members. The Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee decided and appointed the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee Executive Committee consisting of 25 comrades, and the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee Standing Committee consisting of 9 comrades.
Mr. Bui Van Quang, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee was appointed as Secretary of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Manh Son, member of the Provincial Party Committee Standing Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee was appointed as Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee; Ms. Do Thi Ngoc Anh, Secretary of the Provincial Agencies Party Committee and Mr. Nguyen Thuy Trong, Chairman of the Provincial Farmers' Association were appointed as Deputy Secretary of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee (full-time); appointed members, Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee Inspection Committee, including 7 comrades.
The Provincial People's Committee Party Committee decided to establish 11 new grassroots party organizations and appoint 36 subordinate grassroots party organizations to participate in the Executive Committee, Standing Committee, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary. The Provincial People's Committee Party Committee officially came into operation from March 1, 2025.
At the conference, Provincial Party Secretary Bui Minh Chau presented the decision to appoint Mr. Nguyen Manh Son, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, as Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.
Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Bui Van Quang presented the decision to appoint Mr. Le Van Phuong, member of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Doan Hung District Party Committee, to the position of Director of the Department of Education and Training, and presented the decisions to appoint Ms. Ho Thi Phuong Thuy, Mr. Nguyen Trung Tinh, Deputy Director of the Department of Home Affairs, and Mr. Le Cong Luan, Deputy Director of the Department of Ethnic Minorities and Religions.
The conference also announced decisions on the establishment and reorganization of administrative organizations under specialized agencies under the Provincial People's Committee; dissolution, establishment and reorganization of public service units under the Provincial People's Committee, public service units under the District People's Committee; assignment and appointment of leaders and managers of advisory agencies assisting the Provincial People's Committee Party Committee: Party Committee Organization Board, Party Committee Inspection Committee, Party Committee Propaganda and Mass Mobilization Board, Party Committee Office.
Speaking at the conference, Provincial Party Secretary Bui Minh Chau affirmed: Organizing, arranging and streamlining the apparatus is a major policy and orientation of the Party towards building an efficient, effective and effective apparatus. In addition, the Provincial Party Committee and People's Committee need to quickly stabilize the apparatus, review the regulations, learn from experience while doing, and avoid overlapping of authority between the Party and the government.
Source: https://daidoanket.vn/phu-tho-cong-bo-quyet-dinh-thanh-lap-to-chuc-dang-truc-thuoc-va-cong-tac-can-bo-10300756.html
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