In 2024, the School of Business and Administration has 134 graduates, including 1 excellent student, 30 good students, and the rest are ranked as fair.
Explaining the reason why the school's excellent and good graduates account for a low percentage compared to many other schools, Associate Professor Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi, Principal of the School of Management and Business, said that this is because the school's training programs are interdisciplinary, with strict criteria for both input and output.
“Each course has output standards associated with the training program standards. After completing the course, students must be equipped with both hard and soft skills,” said Mr. Phi.
Soft skills include: personal time management skills, personal communication, teamwork skills, presentation skills, information searching skills, relationship building skills...
Hard skills are professional skills. For example, in the Business Administration and Technology program, there are 5 professional skills that students must be equipped with, including: using academic English according to their major; skills in using law to help business leaders negotiate and draft economic contracts in Vietnamese and English; basic programming standards and applications; business management skills; skills in participating in and organizing groups to implement changes, innovations, and creativity of the business.
In addition, because specialized subjects are taught entirely in English, from the second year, students are required to have an IELTS certificate of 5.5 or higher or a B2 English certificate to be eligible to continue studying.
“If they do not meet this standard, they will have to postpone their studies until they meet the language requirements to continue studying. However, in reality, most students have achieved IELTS above 5.0 before entering the school,” said Mr. Phi.
When doing their graduation thesis, students must also write and defend their thesis entirely in English.
Mr. Phi affirmed that the evaluation of students by scores at the school is "very fair and transparent, there is no giving/requesting of scores".
“No one can interfere with the scores other than the students’ own real abilities. Therefore, most of the school’s students graduate with good grades; very few students are ranked as good or excellent.”
However, the principal of the School of Management and Business said that even though students graduate with good grades, with the professional skills they have been equipped with in school, they are not afraid of unemployment.
“During the 4 years of studying at the school, the school also focuses on developing the emotional intelligence of each student. Emotional intelligence will help students communicate well, control their emotions, evaluate the quality of partners and competitors, and respond intelligently in situations that require tact...
Thanks to these things, most students after graduation do not need job support from the school, because in reality they have many options," Associate Professor Dr. Hoang Dinh Phi shared.
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