A new point of the 2025 high school graduation exam is that candidates are not allowed to bring Vietnam Geography Atlas documents into the exam room. So when participating in separate exams organized by universities, are candidates allowed to bring these documents in?
This year, candidates are not allowed to use the Vietnam Geography Atlas in the competency assessment exam of Ho Chi Minh City National University.
Sharing in the Exam Season Consulting program organized by Thanh Nien Newspaper in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Training in Khanh Hoa on the morning of March 9, Dr. Le My Phong, Deputy Director of the Department of Quality Management (Ministry of Education and Training), informed about a new point in the 2025 high school graduation exam.
Specifically, according to the 2025 High School Graduation Exam Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training, this year candidates are not allowed to bring Vietnam Geography Atlas documents into the exam room. According to the explanation of a leader of the Department of Education Management (Ministry of Education and Training), there are 2 reasons: first, unlike before when there were only Atlases from the Vietnam Education Publishing House, now there are many types of Atlases, making it difficult to compile exam questions. Second, the exam regulations from 2025 have increased the score of the learning process in high school to 50%, many skills (including using Atlases) have been trained during the learning process. However, this regulation only applies to students studying the 2018 general education program participating in this year's high school graduation exam.
For candidates who have not graduated from the 2006 general education program and are taking the high school graduation exam this year, the Ministry of Education and Training will still organize the development of a set of exam questions according to the 2006 general education program (similar to the exam questions in 2024 and previous years) for this group. The organization of the exam for candidates taking the exam according to the 2006 general education program will be kept stable as in 2024, so candidates can still use the Atlas when taking the geography exam (in the social science combination exam).
Items allowed in the exam room
According to the 2025 High School Graduation Exam Regulations, the tools candidates are allowed to bring into the exam room include: pens; rulers; pencils; erasers; squares; graphing rulers; drawing tools; handheld calculators without text editing functions and without memory cards.
Prohibited items to bring into the examination room/waiting room include: carbon paper, correction pens, alcoholic beverages; weapons and explosives, flammable substances; documents, communication or information storage devices.
Currently, many universities organize their own exams to serve university and college admissions in 2025. Following the changes in the Ministry of Education and Training's High School Graduation Exam Regulations, the regulations for separate exams also have changes regarding the use of these documents in the exam room.
According to the Regulations on the organization of the competency assessment exam of Ho Chi Minh City National University issued in 2025, candidates are only allowed to bring into the exam room: pens, black pencils, compasses, erasers, rulers; handheld calculators that do not have the following functions: text editing, sending and receiving information, and recording audio-video; no memory card to store data.
Candidates are not allowed to bring into the examination room: scratch paper, test papers, carbon paper, erasers, documents, invisible pens, weapons, explosives, flammable substances, beer, alcohol, technical means of transmitting and receiving information, information storage devices, and other items that can be used to cheat during the examination. When entering the examination room, if a candidate still brings documents or items that are not allowed to be brought as mentioned above, even if they have not used them, they will be suspended from the examination.
According to Dr. Nguyen Quoc Chinh, Director of the Center for Testing and Assessment of Training Quality (Ho Chi Minh City National University), with the above regulation, this year's competency assessment exam does not allow candidates to bring the Vietnam Geography Atlas into the exam room. This is a new point of this year's exam because in previous years, candidates were still allowed to use this document in the exam room because there were in-depth questions about geography.
Similarly, universities that organize computer-based university entrance exams (V-SAT exams) also said that candidates are not allowed to use Vietnam Geography Atlas documents in the geography exam room.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/thi-sinh-co-duoc-dung-atlat-dia-ly-viet-nam-trong-thi-nang-luc-nam-2025-185250312193154785.htm
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