In addition, exercise can also reduce cholesterol levels. Ms. Kelly Jones, a nutritionist working in the US, affirmed: "Exercise is an effective way to reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)".
According to the Mayo Clinic, a diet low in saturated fat, free of trans fat, and high in omega-3s and soluble fiber improves heart health and lowers LDL cholesterol levels.
Jogging and brisk walking are two exercises that help reduce bad cholesterol levels.
How to exercise to lower cholesterol
Natalie Allen, associate professor and nutritionist at Missouri State University (USA), said: "According to research, exercise can reduce cholesterol. But when combining exercise with a healthy diet, the cholesterol-lowering effect will be higher."
Regular exercise and a healthy diet not only lower LDL cholesterol levels but also increase HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). HDL cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Lori Shemek, PhD, a nutrition consultant in Dallas, Texas, explains that exercise reduces LDL cholesterol by increasing HDL cholesterol.
Typically, jogging and brisk walking are two exercises that help lower bad cholesterol levels. However, Ms. Shemek also shared that strength exercises such as weightlifting, push-ups or squats can also help lower cholesterol. And you should combine the above exercises to achieve the best results.
Strength exercises like weightlifting, push-ups or squats can also help lower cholesterol.
How much exercise to lower cholesterol
Exercising once a day will not lower your LDL cholesterol. According to Ms. Allen, you have to be patient with diet and exercise regularly for 3 to 6 months.
For people who want to lower their LDL cholesterol quickly, Jones recommends seeking medical intervention.
Sometimes, some people will not notice changes in their cholesterol levels when exercising. However, regular physical activity will support heart health and control inflammation in the body.
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