On October 1, the inspection team of the National Committee for Children worked in Son La city on implementing inter-sectoral coordination in preventing and combating child violence and child sexual abuse.
Currently, Son La city has over 27,800 children, accounting for 21.3% of the total population. In recent years, the Party Committee and the government of Son La city have developed programs and plans for child protection, care and education every year, in each period suitable to the local situation. Directed specialized agencies, communes and wards to promote propaganda, dissemination of legal education, child protection skills, and prevention of child abuse. Organized 26 propaganda activities, implemented the Law on Children and legal documents related to children. Deployed and built 7 models of "Intervention to prevent and combat domestic violence" in communes and wards. From December 15, 2023 to September 14, 2024, the City Police Investigation Agency received 3 denunciations of crimes related to violence and child abuse. 100% of reports and denunciations were handled in accordance with the law; 3 cases were prosecuted, 6 defendants were convicted.
Son La City recommends that the Inspection Team of the National Committee for Children advise competent authorities to supplement and strengthen the team of specialized staff working in child protection and care. Organize training on skills to advise and support children who are abused online for commune and ward officials working in child protection and care. Deploy a friendly investigation room model for district and city police to serve the investigation of abused children.
The inspection team of the National Committee for Children requested Son La city to proactively overcome difficulties, strengthen coordination between relevant units, and improve the effectiveness of activities in preventing and combating child violence and child sexual abuse. Strengthen propaganda on digital platforms to the people. Focus on training for officials working in child protection and care. Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation in state management of children, and update the database on children.
On this occasion, the Inspection Delegation of the National Committee for Children visited, encouraged and presented gifts at the Provincial Social Protection Center.
News and photos: Manh Hung
Source: https://baosonla.org.vn/thoi-su-chinh-tri/doan-kiem-tra-cua-uy-ban-quoc-gia-ve-tre-em-lam-viec-tai-thanh-pho-son-la-0NardVzHg.html
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