The One Commune One Product (OCOP) program is being focused on by Son La province to promote the rural economy in the direction of promoting internal strength and increasing value. In 2025, the whole province strives to have 30 more OCOP products, thereby contributing to promoting the National Target Program on New Rural Development for the period 2021-2025 in an effective, practical and sustainable manner...
Son La province currently has more than 200 advantageous agricultural products with high economic and commercial value, which can be developed into OCOP products, including 5 main groups: food, beverages, herbs, souvenirs and rural tourism services. Exploiting this potential, the province has focused on developing products in the OCOP Program, aiming at the following goals: developing the form of production organization, trading advantageous products and services in communes, wards and towns; effectively implementing the criterion "Economy and form of production organization" in the National Criteria for New Rural Development. Localities have also promoted the construction of linkage chains, changing people's production thinking from small-scale to large-scale commodity production with high economic value.
After more than 5 years of implementation, the province now has 202 OCOP products, including 1 5-star product, 62 4-star products and 139 3-star products. Cooperatives and enterprises have proactively changed their production thinking, innovated science and technology to improve product quality and boost product promotion and consumption through digital platforms. Many products have been available at supermarket chains, agents and retail stores in and outside the province. In 2025, the province strives to have 30 more products with 3 stars or more./.
Performed by: An Hao
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