Along with the exam regulations, the high school graduation exam from 2025 will also have changes, not only testing knowledge but also focusing more on assessing the ability to apply knowledge into practice.
The test is aimed at assessing competency.
Regarding the new points of the high school graduation exam from 2025, Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong, Director of the Department of Quality Management (Ministry of Education and Training), said that the exam will have many questions built from real-life situations in life, science, and society, helping candidates clearly see the connection between the knowledge learned and the world around them.
The results of the high school graduation exam are used for many different purposes, including recognition of high school graduation, re-evaluation of the teaching and learning process, and for universities and vocational training institutions to use for admission in a spirit of autonomy. Therefore, the exam will be designed to clearly differentiate between groups of candidates.
Specifically, the change in the structure format is to better suit the assessment of learners' abilities. The new structure format also contributes to increasing the differentiation of the test, especially the new formats of true/false and short answer.
The 2025 exam will distribute the ratio of questions at the levels of knowledge, understanding, and application as 4:3:3. With a knowledge and understanding ratio of about 70%, it will lean towards the goal of graduation; while a comprehension and application ratio of about 60% will have a good differentiation effect for admission purposes.
A notable new point is that the Literature subject may use non-textbook materials when constructing the exam. This helps assess students' ability to read, understand and perceive texts in real-life situations, avoiding rote learning or mechanical memorization. Materials may include passages, poems, or situations related to current events and social life.
Candidates will only take the exam in one fixed exam room.
The 2025 high school graduation exam is the first year to be organized according to the 2018 General Education Program, with the difference being that it focuses on assessing learners' abilities instead of assessing knowledge and skills like previous exams.
Candidates graduating from high school in 2025 will take 4 subjects, including 2 compulsory subjects: Math, Literature and 2 optional subjects chosen by candidates from the subjects chosen in grade 12.
According to the regulations for high school graduation exams from 2025, the exam will be organized into 3 sessions, including: 1 Literature exam session, 1 Math exam session and 1 optional exam session. Candidates will be arranged according to the optional exam combination to optimize the exam room and exam score.
Thus, compared to previous years, the exam will have 1 fewer exam session and 2 fewer exam subjects, thereby reducing pressure and social costs while still ensuring exam quality.
The number of subjects in the exam has increased compared to before and candidates are allowed to choose 2 subjects to take the optional exam, so the arrangement of the exam room will be more complicated, and the exam invigilation will have many new points.
Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong said that in the process of developing the examination regulations, the Ministry of Education and Training organized many experimental sessions to optimize the process such as: opening the exam papers, distributing the exam papers, collecting the exam papers as well as testing the exam room arrangement system.
These complex difficulties will only be at the management level and in the education sector, but for candidates, all methods will be implemented to ensure more convenience and ease than in previous years.
For example, before 2024, candidates may have to change examination rooms after each exam session, which makes it difficult and tiring for candidates to keep track. However, from 2025, candidates will only take the exam in a single fixed examination room throughout the exam sessions.
To best prepare for the 2025 High School Graduation Exam, Prof. Dr. Huynh Van Chuong noted that candidates need to follow the school's teaching and learning plan, complete the entire 12th grade curriculum and knowledge, and clearly understand the goals of the 2018 General Education Program, which is not only to equip knowledge but also to develop capacity and qualities.
Therefore, students need to focus on understanding the nature of the problem and applying knowledge into practice instead of memorizing it mechanically.
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