The purpose of planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions is to invest in focused, key areas of good, effective training and research schools instead of spreading investment.
Public university downsizing
The Prime Minister issued Decision No. 452/QD-TTg approving the Planning of the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.
Regarding the planning, Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Anh Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training) said that the orientation for developing the national network of higher education and pedagogical institutions by 2030 is that public higher education institutions play a core role, accounting for about 70% of the training scale. In the network, from 50 to 60 higher education institutions train up to the doctoral level, of which about 50% develop in the direction of research.
Regarding the plan to arrange and develop higher education institutions, the plan requires consolidating, arranging and enhancing the capacity of existing higher education institutions; ceasing operations before 2028 and dissolving before 2030 higher education institutions and branches of higher education institutions that do not meet standards or do not complete the establishment of legal status according to the provisions of law.
The plan also arranges and reduces the number of public higher education institutions; only considers establishing new public universities when necessary and with favorable conditions.
At the same time, arrange and consolidate the operations of branches of higher education institutions; arrange and develop higher education institutions under ministries, branches, central agencies (except the Ministry of Education and Training) and higher education institutions under provincial People's Committees.
Encourage the establishment of new and expanded networks of private universities, branches of private universities, branches of prestigious foreign universities, especially universities specializing in training in science, engineering and technology.
Upgrading and developing national and regional universities
The plan also focuses on investing in upgrading and developing national and regional universities to achieve quality and prestige on par with the region and the world.
According to the plan until 2030, Hanoi National University and Ho Chi Minh City National University will be developed into the group of leading higher education institutions in Asia; Hue University and Da Nang University will be developed into national universities.
National universities develop in a research-oriented manner, focusing on training high-quality talents and postgraduate training associated with scientific research and innovation, implementing national strategic tasks; prioritizing basic science, engineering, technology and a number of other key fields according to the core strengths of each university.
Core universities oriented to develop into regional universities include Vinh University, Nha Trang University, Tay Nguyen University, and Can Tho University.
Regarding the network of higher education institutions for teacher training, the plan also upgrades and develops Hanoi National University of Education and Ho Chi Minh City University of Education as key national higher education institutions for pedagogy, oriented towards high-quality research and training, playing a core and leading role in the network of higher education institutions for teacher training.
Arrange and reorganize universities of physical education and sports, and universities of art education according to the following options: merge with a university of education or a multidisciplinary, multi-field university with a school, faculty of pedagogy or basic sciences; merge or consolidate with each other or with specialized schools of physical education, sports, and art to develop into a multidisciplinary university including the major of physical education, sports, and art education.
The plan also develops a network of higher education institutions training in STEM fields; focuses on investing in upgrading and developing 5 public higher education institutions with leading capacity and prestige in training and research in a number of key and spearhead technical and technological fields and sectors to become national key higher education institutions in engineering and technology, with quality and prestige on par with the region, in which Hanoi University of Science and Technology is ranked among the top higher education institutions in Asia.
What criteria does the school focus on?
Deputy Minister of Education and Training Hoang Minh Son said: “The purpose of planning the network of higher education and pedagogical institutions is to invest in focused, key areas in good, effective training and research schools instead of spreading investment. With such a competitive mechanism, any school that does not meet standards will be dissolved.”
According to Mr. Son, during the construction process, there were also suggestions that the planning only set out criteria and that schools that met the standards would be considered key schools. Mr. Son said that the planning is not a set of criteria for schools that meet the criteria to become key schools, but is based on previous potential data to make decisions. The universities selected for investment are the most prestigious training institutions in each specific field and bring efficiency.
The Deputy Minister of Education and Training also affirmed that for universities not included in the planning, there will be different programs and projects to receive investment.
Deputy Director of the Department of Higher Education Nguyen Anh Dung said that the goal of the planning is to develop a synchronous and modern network of higher education and pedagogical facilities with reasonable scale, structure and distribution.
In particular, forming large university education centers, high-quality training, high level associated with scientific research, technology development and innovation in 4 urban areas including Hanoi, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City and Can Tho, creating momentum for the development of key economic regions and the whole country.
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