Brittle nails warn of iron deficiency, pale nails can be a sign of anemia or liver disease, while dark lines down the nail can indicate melanoma.
Fingernails reveal many health-related issues. (Source: Pixabay) |
Brittle nails
Cracked or split nails can indicate iron deficiency, dehydration, or thyroid problems. Boost nail health by consuming biotin-rich foods like eggs, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
Gold nails
Yellow nails can signal fungal infections, smoking, or underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and lung disease. Proper hygiene, antifungal treatments, and vitamin E can help restore nail health.
White spot
Small white spots on your nails are often caused by minor trauma, but persistent white spots can indicate a zinc or calcium deficiency. A diet rich in these nutrients can help improve nail strength.
Pale nails
Extremely pale or white nails can be a sign of anemia, liver disease or malnutrition. Increasing your iron intake with green leafy vegetables, beans and lean meats can help correct the problem.
Green nails
Blue nails indicate inadequate oxygen flow, which can be caused by lung disease, heart disease, or Raynaud's phenomenon (a spasm of the blood vessels in the hands caused by cold or emotional stress, causing discomfort and discoloration in one or more fingers). Consult a doctor if this symptom persists.
Dark line
A brown or black line under the nail can indicate melanoma, a serious form of skin cancer. Any unusual color should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.
Swollen nails
Red or swollen nails can be a sign of infection, lupus, or other autoimmune diseases. Keeping your nails in good condition and consulting your doctor can help prevent complications.
Clubbed nails
Rounded, swollen nails with raised tips can be a sign of lung disease, heart disease, or chronic lack of oxygen. If you notice them, see your doctor.
Spoon shaped concave nail
Spoon-shaped nails can be associated with iron deficiency, anemia, or liver disease. Healthy nails can be restored with iron supplementation and good medical management.
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