Quan Ho singing on a boat in Bac Ninh. Photo: Van Truong
Many special policies to promote heritage
As usual, every Saturday and Sunday, the young Quan Ho club of Hoan Son commune, Tien Du district (Bac Ninh province) organizes activities.
The "little sisters" wearing traditional Vietnamese traditional dress and crow-beak scarf, and the "young brothers" wearing traditional Vietnamese traditional dress and turban, were guided by the Board of Directors in every word and speech, and were taught Quan Ho culture.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Nguyen - head of the Hoan Son commune youth club said that the club was established in 2015.
From 10 original members, the club now attracts dozens of members from 4 to 17 years old.
A meeting at the Quan Ho club in Hoan Son commune (Tien Du, Bac Ninh). Photo: Van Truong
At the meeting, the little Lien Chi sisters wore their three-piece and seven-piece dresses, while the Lien Anh boys wore their tunics and turbans, attentively listening to the "teacher" teach the songs. In each tune, she emphasized and paid attention to the difficult parts, to bring out the resonance, rumble, foundation, and bounce. She sang first, the students followed.
In addition to learning to sing, children also practice how to make betel leaves and learn and practice how to wear Quan Ho costumes and perform on stage.
During the annual Lim festival, members of the Quan Ho Mang Non club of Hoan Son commune participate in performances, attracting a large number of tourists.
Quan Ho love is like a source flowing forever through generations of Bac Ninh people.
In addition to learning to sing, the young brothers and sisters also practice how to make phoenix-wing betel leaves. Photo: Van Truong
The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Bac Ninh province said that the locality has issued many policies and strategies to preserve and further spread the folk heritage of Bac Ninh Quan Ho.
Accordingly, Bac Ninh province supports the original quan ho club with 30 million VND/time/year; quan ho practice villages and traditional folk performing art clubs are supported with 20 million VND/time/year.
From 44 original Quan Ho villages and 34 Quan Ho clubs in 2009 (when Bac Ninh Quan Ho folk songs were recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - PV), Bac Ninh now has 150 Quan Ho practicing villages, over 600 Quan Ho clubs with more than 10,000 members, and thousands of people capable of teaching.
Quan Ho village on the North bank of Cau River
For a long time, quan ho on the northern side of Cau River, that is, Bac Giang side, has been less known than quan ho Bac Ninh.
According to the research document of author Tran Linh Quy in 1971, Ha Bac (old) has 49 ancient quan ho villages. Of which, Bac Ninh has 44 villages, Bac Giang has 5 villages including (Gia Son, Mai Vu, Sen Ho, Noi Ninh, Huu Nghi).
According to the investigation of the Institute of Culture and Arts (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism), Bac Giang has 13 more ancient Quan Ho villages, all located in Viet Yen town.
Quan ho villages in the North of Song Cau have the custom of forming friendships with quan ho villages in Bac Ninh province (South of Song Cau): Tho Ha village forms friendships with Diem village; Trung Dong village forms friendships with Thuong Dong and Ha Dong; Noi Ninh village forms friendships with Han and Diem villages; Mai Vu village forms friendships with Chap But; Huu Nghi village forms friendships with Cao Loi; Tien Lat village forms friendships with Biu Sim...
Thanks to this relationship, Quan Ho artists from both sides have connections, exchanges and creativity in cultural activities.
Quan Ho singing on a boat in Tho Ha village (Viet Yen town, Bac Giang). Photo: Viet Yen town portal
In order to spread Quan Ho folk songs, Bac Giang province has also implemented many school stage projects; opened a training course in Quan Ho folk song performance at the provincial College of Culture, Sports and Tourism; and organized more than 300 Quan Ho teaching classes.
Bac Giang province has established and maintained more than 100 Quan Ho folk song clubs with nearly 2,000 members.
The province also has hundreds of artisans capable of passing on the heritage; many artisans participate in Quan Ho performances domestically and internationally.
Source: https://laodong.vn/van-hoa-giai-tri/bac-ninh-bac-giang-mach-nguon-quan-ho-chay-mai-1475631.ldo
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