Weather forecast for Hanoi in the next 3 days (January 27-29), cold air will increase strongly causing the temperature to drop, the cold weather will last through the first day of Lunar New Year At Ty.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, Hanoi's weather in the next 3 days (January 27-29, December 28 to the first day of Tet), due to the influence of increased cold air, the Northeast wind will be strong at level 3, making the weather very cold.
Specifically, from January 27-29, the capital Hanoi area will be cloudy, no rain, early morning fog in some places, sunny in the afternoon.
In the next 3 days, the area will be very cold with the highest daytime temperature commonly 17-20℃, the lowest nighttime temperature around 9-13℃.
In addition, the meteorological agency said that currently (January 27), the cold air mass that has been flowing since the night of January 25 has covered the entire North and North Central regions and continues to affect the Central Central provinces.
On land, there are strong Northeast winds at level 3, coastal areas at level 4, with gusts of level 6-7 in some places; in the Gulf of Tonkin, strong Northeast winds at level 8, with gusts of level 9-10.
Today, cold air spreads deep into the South, affecting some places in the South Central region.
This cold air mass will cause severe cold in the North and North Central regions, severe cold in the mountainous areas of the North, and frost and frost in the high mountains; and cold in the Central Central region.
The meteorological agency said that the lowest temperature in the North and North Central regions is generally from 9-12 degrees, in the mountainous areas of the North 6-8 degrees, in the high mountainous areas below 3 degrees in some places; from Quang Binh to Hue 12-15 degrees; from Da Nang to Quang Ngai 16-18 degrees.
Only in Hanoi area, there is no rain. The weather is very cold. The lowest temperature in this cold air is 9-12 degrees.
Weather in Hanoi capital in the next 3 days (January 27-29) :
Day | Day (7am-7pm) | Night (7pm-7am) |
27/1 | Cloudy, no rain, early morning fog in some places, sunny afternoon. Northeast wind level 3. Cold weather. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold weather. |
28/1 | Cloudy, no rain, early morning fog in some places, sunny in the afternoon. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold weather. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold weather. |
29/1 | Cloudy, no rain, early morning fog and light fog scattered, sunny afternoon. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold weather. | Cloudy, no rain. Northeast wind force 2-3. Cold weather. |
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