Hundreds of scientists attended the Exhibition and Discussion on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Dinh Xuan Lam, co-organized by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH - Vietnam National University, Hanoi) and the Vietnam Historical Science Association last week. The event once again showed more clearly the portrait of a great scientist - one of the four historians honored as the "Four Legendary Pillars" of contemporary Vietnamese history: "Lam - Le - Tan - Vuong".
A pillar of contemporary historiography
The "four pillars" of contemporary Vietnamese history honored by scientists and generations of students include: Professor, People's Teacher Dinh Xuan Lam, Professor, People's Teacher Phan Huy Le, Professor, People's Teacher Ha Van Tan and Professor Tran Quoc Vuong.
Among them, Professor and People's Teacher Dinh Xuan Lam was born on February 4, 1925, in Ha Tinh, in a family of Nguyen Dynasty mandarins.
At the end of 1954, he was sent to Hanoi to study at the Faculty of Education, History and Geography. After graduating from university in 1956, he was retained as a lecturer in History at Hanoi University (now the University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University, Hanoi) and worked there until his retirement (in 1990).
Hundreds of scientists present at the scientific discussion about Professor Dinh Xuan Lam recalled the contributions of a great teacher who helped create a school of History - the General University school: the school of positivist history.
During more than half a century of teaching and scientific research (even after retirement), he has always been closely attached to the field of History, and has left deep impressions in the memories of colleagues and students through his lectures on History.
Professor Dinh Xuan Lam had a famous saying about the teaching profession, which he considered to be truly noble: "If there is an afterlife, I will still choose to be a teacher."
500 massive research works and thousands of talented students
In his speech on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Professor Dinh Xuan Lam's birth, Prof. Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, affirmed: "With more than 90 years of life, 70 years of dedication to the cause of educating people, and more than 60 years of scientific research, Professor Dinh Xuan Lam has left behind a huge legacy: more than 500 research works on modern Vietnamese history, thousands of talented students have made great contributions to the country's education and science."
According to Prof. Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan, the Professor's influence is not only limited to the Vietnamese academic community, but also spreads throughout the international academic community. His research not only has historical value, but also suggests new directions for young researchers.
Professor Nguyen Van Khanh, former Principal of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, emphasized: "Professor Dinh Xuan Lam is an example of scientific spirit, perseverance, creativity and critical thinking. He is not afraid to change his views when approaching new methods and unexploited documents."
Remembering the teacher, many historians expressed their gratitude and admiration. As one of the first students, Professor Vu Duong Ninh said: “The first time I listened to him lecture, I was captivated by his bright eyes, inspiring voice and profound knowledge. He was the one who instilled in me a passion for history, helping me to steadfastly pursue this path throughout my life.” Associate Professor Dr. Ta Thi Thuy expressed: “Professor Dinh Xuan Lam is a noble person, a great teacher, his mark is deeply imprinted in all my research works. His assessments of historical figures, the Vietnamese revolution or the economy and society of the colonial period are always suggestive, comprehensive and profound.”
According to Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Van Nhat, former Director of the Institute of History: "He not only has discoveries of fundamental value in historical research but also always respects historical truth and is ready to change his views when there is new data. He is a solid support for his students in their research orientation". Associate Professor Dr. Dinh Quang Hai, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Historical Research, affirmed: "With 92 articles in the Journal, Professor Dinh Xuan Lam not only oriented but also contributed to adjusting many controversial historical views. His research has strongly inspired and urged the young generation to embark on the exploration of new knowledge".
Dinh Xuan Lam History Foundation - continuing to ignite the passion for History
In 2017, right after Professor Dinh Xuan Lam passed away, the Dinh Xuan Lam History Foundation was established according to his will. According to Mr. Dinh Xuan Tho - the eldest son of the late Professor Dinh Xuan Lam - who is currently the Chairman of the History Foundation, the reason why the Dinh Xuan Lam History Foundation was established is because the true and simple scientist spent his whole life attached to history, understanding the hardships that young lecturers and researchers have to face when choosing the path of researching and teaching this subject. Therefore, he wished to establish a scholarship fund to support the next generation, encourage the passion for history, and contribute to promoting the history of the country.
Since its inception, the Fund has annually awarded prizes to students, masters, doctors and young researchers with outstanding achievements in the field of history. From the initial scale limited to universities from Hue and beyond, by 2024, the award has expanded nationwide.
Impressive numbers after 8 years of operation (2017 - 2024) demonstrate the influence of the award: 222 applications from 12 training institutions nationwide; 152 awards were given, including: 104 excellent students; 24 potential masters; 20 doctors with meaningful research works; 4 outstanding historical research works.
The History Foundation named after the respected Professor has continued to ignite the flame of scientific passion and also shows his great heart in wanting to train the younger generation not only while he was alive but also after he passed away. Prof. Dr. Do Quang Hung said that during his lifetime, Professor Dinh Xuan Lam devoted much effort to writing introductions for many research works of generations of students: "It is impossible to count all the research works of students that Professor Dinh Xuan Lam has read, commented on and written introductions for. The teacher's introductions not only have academic value but are also a valuable source of encouragement, helping the next generation to be confident on the path of historical research."
In 1988, when he was awarded the title of People's Teacher, Professor Dinh Xuan Lam said: "The priceless medal for me is the generations of students - those I have helped train, the generations that have made and are making useful contributions to society in many fields."
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