The Organizing Committee of the 42nd National Television Festival (NTVF) received 734 entries (47,061 minutes in length) from 100 units. The entries were judged and awarded in 11 categories including: Children's programs, documentaries, reports, short reports, science and education programs, talk shows, ethnic minority language television programs, music and dance programs, theater, television dramas and videos on digital platforms.
Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam, General Director of Vietnam Television, Chairman of the 42nd National Television Federation, awarded the gold prize to the representative of Thanh Nien Newspaper for the work Crime in the Rose Shelter (video genre on digital platform: Political news)
"In addition to selecting and honoring the best television works in the past two years, the highlight of this festival is that the specialized events all aim at the goal of "digital transformation - content innovation - multi-platform development", which can be considered a guideline for the Vietnamese television press system in the digital age and the era of the country's rise", said Mr. Nguyen Thanh Lam, General Director of Vietnam Television (VTV), Chairman of the 42nd National Television Festival.
According to journalist Dinh Tran Viet, Director of the Center for Digital Content Production and Development of Vietnam Television, Head of the Jury for the digital video category, compared to the 41st Festival, the number of digital videos participating in this competition has increased significantly, from 41 to 66 videos. This shows that television programs not only innovate in quality and content, but also the application of digital transformation and new technology in journalism has become an important factor, suitable for the needs of the times, especially the production and distribution of digital content on multiple platforms. The digital video category is where content producers can freely create, bring unique perspectives and reach audiences quickly. Therefore, this is one of the notable categories in this year's festival.
Judging work at the 42nd National Television Festival
PHOTO: Organizing Committee
The video category on digital platforms this time has many quality works, with appeal, strong and widespread influence in social life, such as: Crimes in the Rose Shelter ( Thanh Nien Newspaper), Panorama of the attack on two commune People's Committee headquarters in Dak Lak (Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Ho Chi Minh City ), Tazan tells village stories (Gia Lai Radio and Television Station), The sky is covered with golden stars (Hanoi Radio and Television Station), "Trap" changes life (Hau Giang Radio and Television Station), Catching fish with a stick during the flood season (Vinh Long Radio and Television Station)...
The reportage category has 140 entries at this festival, many of which are highly appreciated such as: 2 programs, 1 failure (Binh Dinh Radio and Television Station), Journey to revive Nu Village (Lao Cai Radio and Television Station), Journey to find a job in a foreign land: Going 3 "no"s, returning 5 "no"s (Tay Ninh Radio and Television Station), Trap (Phu Yen Radio and Television Station), Preventing the rejuvenating of crime (Hai Phong Radio and Television Station), Fraud Trap (Ho Chi Minh City Television Station)...
According to journalist Nguyen Ha Nam, former Head of the Editorial Secretariat of Vietnam Television and Head of the Jury for the reportage category, this year's LH has the largest number of works and the longest duration. "Many reports are quite good, with modern presentation and concise presentation," said Mr. Nam.
The short reportage genre has the largest number of works with 148 works. This genre follows the current events closely, the most important criterion is the discovery factor. Therefore, a highly appreciated work must bring a new perspective, with informational value.
According to journalist Nguyen Ngoc Toan, Director and Editor-in-Chief of Tuyen Quang Radio and Television Station, member of the jury for the short report category, the number of short report entries this year is higher than the previous competition, and the quality is higher, especially the works reflecting real life. "There are works that the jury has to review over and over again to make a decision, choosing the best works to award prizes," said this journalist.
The TV series category has 34 works from 14 production units participating in the competition, double the number of the previous LH. Among them, many films left an impression on viewers when they were broadcast: Hoa sua ve trong gio, Chung ta cua 8 nam sau, Khong thoi gian, Gap em ngay nang (TV Drama Center)... Besides experienced film production units, this year's LH has the participation of a number of local stations: Huong dong lac (Dong Thap Radio and Television Station), Binh minh dang roi (Quang Ninh Province Media Center)...
Actress Ngoc Lan, member of the jury for the TV drama category, said that the overall quality of the TV dramas competing in the 42nd Festival was much better than previous festivals. Because there were so many films participating in the competition, the jury had to work in advance to evaluate the works.
"We have been working together for a few months and now we sit down together, start discussing, each person will give their opinion and argue back if their opinion is not agreed upon. Working openly like that will bring the most impartial assessment," said actress Ngoc Lan.
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