* Exam questions and suggested solutions for the 10th grade literature entrance exam in Ho Chi Minh City are as follows:
Instructor: Phan Thi Xuan Reo (Vinh Vien High School, Ho Chi Minh City)
On June 6, candidates will take two exams: Literature and English.
** In addition to timely information about the 10th grade entrance exam, right after the exam period ends, Thanh Nien Newspaper will post exam questions and suggested solutions made by experienced teachers of high schools in Ho Chi Minh City at thanhnien.vn.
Readers can visit thanhnien.vn or the Education section of Thanh Nien Newspaper to see more comments from experienced teachers about exam questions.
Grade 10 Exam Literature teacher predicts this year's score distribution
According to statistics from the Department of Education and Training of Ho Chi Minh City, there are about 96,000 candidates registered and will take the 10th grade entrance exam, with the subjects of literature, foreign language, math (if registering for regular 10th grade) and specialized and integrated subjects (if registering for specialized schools and classes; integrated).
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