National conference to disseminate and summarize the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the 12th Party Central Committee. (Photo: NGUYEN DANG)
Streamlining the apparatus not only aims to reduce the burden of costs but also aims at the more important goal of improving the leadership, management and implementation capacity of the political system. This not only creates an effective, efficient, transparent apparatus that better serves the people but also promotes creativity and promotes the role of each individual and organization in the political system. Vietnam is transforming strongly to "catch up, progress together, break through and surpass" the rapid development of science and technology, especially the achievements of the 4.0 industrial revolution, and the ongoing globalization trends. In the era of national prosperity, our Party is well aware that a cumbersome, multi-layered apparatus not only reduces flexibility in management but also creates the risk of wasting resources and reducing people's trust in the leadership of the Party and State. Streamlining the apparatus is not only to reduce the burden of costs but also aims at the more important goal of improving the leadership, management and implementation capacity of the political system. This not only creates an effective, efficient, transparent apparatus that better serves the people but also promotes creativity and promotes the role of each individual and organization in the political system.
The policy of restructuring the apparatus of the political system to enter the era of national development is not temporary. This is the inheritance and promotion of the legacies of our Party's revolutionary career, a strategic step, and the first choice to promote sustainable development, self-reliance, and self-reliance of the nation. The spirit of urgently implementing the streamlining of the apparatus of the political system was consistently demonstrated by the Party Central Committee and General Secretary To Lam, starting with the summary of Resolution No. 18/NQ-TW dated October 25, 2017. General Secretary To Lam affirmed the task: Focus on streamlining the organization of the Party's agencies, truly being the intellectual core, the "General Staff", and the vanguard leading state agencies. Do not let the apparatus become an "obstacle" to development. A multi-layered apparatus often leads to bureaucracy and delays in handling work, creating an unnecessary burden on national resources. Intermediate layers cause information to be delayed or distorted when communicated, leading to inaccurate, untimely, and impractical management decisions. The requirement to streamline the apparatus does not stop at reducing the number of personnel or administrative units, but also emphasizes optimizing the functions and tasks of each agency and organization, arranging them in a unified direction, eliminating overlapping functions to increase transparency and efficiency in management. At the same time, applying digital technology and digital transformation in management aims to reduce dependence on traditional intermediaries, increasing direct interaction between leaders and people. This is an inevitable trend in the digital age, where speed, accuracy and transparency play an important role in management and administration. In addition to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of management, streamlining the apparatus also aims to save resources and enhance sustainability in modern national governance, helping to focus resources on important tasks, prioritize the development of key areas and minimize unnecessary management costs. The budget saved from streamlining can be invested in public projects, improving the quality of social services and improving people's lives, thereby contributing to promoting rapid and sustainable national development. Another important goal is to build a transparent, modern and people-friendly administration through the application of technological tools to improve and continuously enhance the quality of public services. Digital platforms, big data and artificial intelligence can support management, decision-making and the provision of public administrative services quickly and accurately. This not only reduces the complexity of administrative procedures but also increases transparency, limits corruption, abuse of power and other shortcomings in state management. When the apparatus operates effectively and transparently, people's trust in the political system will be strengthened, creating social consensus and driving force for development. General Secretary To Lam especially emphasized: "Do not let state agencies be a safe haven for weak officials", so streamlining the apparatus must focus on improving quality, building a team of professional, dedicated officials, civil servants, and public employees who dare to take on tasks, dare to shoulder responsibilities, have a sense of dedication, the ability to complete practical work, especially with strong political will and professional ethics. Reducing intermediate levels - streamlining the apparatus: an opportunity that cannot be delayed The process of streamlining the apparatus and reducing intermediate levels has been widely implemented from the central to local levels with the motto "The central level sets an example, the local level responds". The Government, the Prime Minister and localities have issued many resolutions, decisions, directives and specific action programs to rearrange administrative agencies, minimize overlap in functions and tasks and streamline staffing. According to the report of the Ministry of Home Affairs, in the recent period, hundreds of commune-level administrative units and dozens of department-level agencies have been merged and consolidated. Accordingly, in the period of 2019-2021, 21 district-level units in 8 provinces and cities were merged (reducing 8 district-level units) and 1,056 commune-level units in 45 provinces and cities were merged (reducing 561 commune-level units). Some provinces and cities have proactively piloted new organizational models, combining departments with similar functions to reduce intermediate levels and improve operational efficiency. The application of information technology and digital transformation in state management has also been promoted. Many agencies and organizations have deployed online administrative management systems and applied big data to increase decision-making efficiency, thereby reducing pressure on the apparatus, especially the administrative apparatus. For example, online public services at levels 3 and 4 have helped people and businesses carry out administrative procedures without having to go directly to public agencies, saving time and costs. However, in addition to the achieved results, the implementation of reducing intermediate levels and streamlining the apparatus still has many limitations. One of the prominent problems is the lack of synchronization and inconsistency in the implementation process. In some localities, the merger of agencies or administrative units has not been carried out on a scientific and practical basis, leading to work overload or difficulties in coordination. Up to now, 35/45 provinces and cities have not completed the establishment, adjustment and supplementation of records and maps of administrative boundaries at all levels of the locality. Although the number of administrative units has been reduced, the functions and tasks have not been streamlined accordingly, leading to the risk of work pressure on the staff and civil servants, affecting the quality of public services. In addition, the fear of change and protection of local interests are also major barriers to streamlining the apparatus. Some agencies and organizations do not want to cut or merge because they are afraid of losing their power, benefits or current positions. This causes the implementation process to stagnate internally, slowing down the implementation progress and reducing the effectiveness of reform policies. In terms of human resources, the streamlining of the payroll also faces many difficulties. Some localities have carried out cuts but have not been linked to improving the quality of the staff and civil servants. As a result, although the number of staff has been reduced, the operational capacity of the apparatus has not been improved, and in some places it has even declined. The main reason is the lack of a plan for training and developing personnel after the restructuring of the apparatus, leading to many cadres and civil servants not meeting the requirements of work in the new environment. In addition, the application of information technology, although being strongly deployed, is not uniform across the country. Many localities, especially remote areas, still do not have enough technological infrastructure to apply modern management solutions. This leads to a large gap in the effectiveness of administrative reform between regions, reducing the positive impact of reducing intermediate levels and streamlining the apparatus at the national scale. In addition to inherent limitations, the implementation of reducing intermediate levels and streamlining the apparatus is also affected by objective factors. Specifically, the complexity of the current legal system makes it difficult to arrange and merge administrative units in the implementation stage. Many legal regulations are still overlapping, lacking clarity on authority and responsibility between levels and sectors, leading to confusion in the implementation process. To overcome the above problems, more comprehensive and synchronous solutions are needed in the coming time. First of all, it is necessary to promote the completion of the legal framework related to the organization of the administrative apparatus, ensuring consistency and transparency in the division of functions and tasks between levels and sectors. This will create a solid legal basis for the effective implementation of reducing intermediate levels and streamlining the apparatus. Next, it is necessary to increase the application of information technology in administrative reform, especially in localities with difficult infrastructure. Investing in digital platforms, building shared databases and deploying modern management systems will help reduce dependence on intermediaries and improve the efficiency of administrative operations. In addition, more attention should be paid to improving the quality of cadres and civil servants through regular training and development. There should be a transparent and fair recruitment policy, ensuring that those working in the administrative apparatus have the capacity, ethics and sense of responsibility to meet job requirements. Finally, it is necessary to create consensus and support from stakeholders, especially the participation of people and businesses. Administrative reform must be centered on the interests of the people, all for the people, thereby creating trust and support for the implementation process to take place more smoothly. Continuing to innovate and streamline the apparatus of the political system to be streamlined, effective, efficient and effective. Reducing intermediate levels and streamlining the apparatus is one of the important tasks, identified by the Party and State as a strategic solution to build an effective administration, meeting the requirements of socio-economic development in the context of globalization and digital transformation. However, to achieve real effectiveness, it is necessary to synchronously implement the following solutions: First, perfecting the legal framework and policies on streamlining the apparatus of the political system. One of the first and most important steps is to perfect the legal system and policies related to the organization of the apparatus of the political system, especially for the administrative apparatus. It is necessary to develop clear and transparent legal documents, ensuring the scientific and reasonable division of functions, tasks and powers between levels and sectors. At the same time, eliminating overlapping and inappropriate regulations to reduce administrative burden. Competent authorities need to issue specific policies on restructuring the apparatus, emphasizing the reduction of intermediary units, the consolidation of departments and offices with similar functions, and the elimination of unnecessary positions and units. Second, strengthen the application of information technology and digital transformation. In order to optimize the work process and improve the operational efficiency of the administrative apparatus, it is necessary to synchronously deploy online management systems, from electronic document systems, online public services to big data platforms (Big Data), artificial intelligence (AI), cloud computing, Internet of Things, etc. In particular, building and developing shared national databases will help reduce dependence on intermediary stages in the decision-making process. In addition, it is necessary to invest heavily in technology infrastructure in localities, especially remote areas, to ensure consistency and efficiency in the implementation of technology solutions. Third, promote the restructuring of the administrative apparatus. Restructuring the organization is a necessary step to reduce intermediate levels and streamline the administrative apparatus. The Government needs to direct ministries, branches and localities to review and evaluate the functions and tasks of each unit to identify steps that can be streamlined. Merging agencies with similar functions and tasks or eliminating departments and offices that are no longer suitable will help the administrative apparatus become more streamlined and effective. Along with that, it is necessary to thoroughly implement decentralization, delegation of authority, and transfer of unnecessary tasks from the central to local levels or from high to low levels. This will help reduce the workload at intermediate levels, while enhancing the autonomy and responsibility of local authorities. Fourth, improve the quality of cadres, civil servants and public employees. It is necessary to innovate the work of recruiting, appointing, evaluating and training cadres, ensuring the selection of truly capable and qualified people to take on important positions. At the same time, it is necessary to build a transparent performance evaluation mechanism, linking work results with remuneration, in order to encourage the working spirit and responsibility of the cadres. Organizing training programs and in-depth training in management skills, technology and expertise is necessary for cadres and civil servants to be able to meet the requirements of work in the new context. Fifth, create consensus and support from society . Full and transparent communication about the goals, meanings and benefits of the process of streamlining the apparatus will help create trust and support from society, from all relevant parties, including state agencies, social organizations, businesses and people. In addition, it is necessary to establish feedback mechanisms, receive opinions from people, businesses and social organizations to promptly adjust policies, ensure compliance with reality and bring the highest efficiency. Sixth, continuous evaluation and improvement Finally, reducing intermediary levels and streamlining the apparatus should be viewed as a continuous process, requiring continuous monitoring, evaluation and improvement. The government and management agencies need to regularly review implementation results, analyze strengths and weaknesses to learn from experience and propose solutions for improvement. In addition, establishing specific performance measurement criteria is also an important factor to ensure that reforms achieve their set goals. This includes monitoring indicators on work processing time, people's satisfaction, operating costs and socio-economic efficiency brought about by reforms. Reducing intermediate levels and streamlining the apparatus is a strategic step to meet the requirements of national development in the era of innovation and integration. This is not only a special task that cannot be delayed any longer, but also the key to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state management, promoting sustainable socio-economic development, and affirming Vietnam's role and position in the international arena. To be successful, it requires the joint efforts and consensus of the entire political system, support from social resources and determination to overcome challenges. A streamlined, efficient, effective and efficient apparatus is not only a symbol of progress but also a premise for the nation to rise strongly, realizing the aspiration of building a strong and prosperous Vietnam in the near future.Tran Mai Huong -
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