On May 24, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee for May 2024. Comrade Dang Hoang Oanh, Party Committee Secretary, Deputy Minister of Justice and Comrade Nguyen Kim Tinh, Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice co-chaired the meeting.
At the Conference, the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Ministry announced and presented the Decision of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice assigning comrade Do Xuan Quy, Chief of the Office of the Ministry, to continue to hold the position of Chief of the Office of the Party Committee of the Ministry; Decision to appoint comrade Cao Xuan Thuy to hold the position of Deputy Chief of the Office of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice.
Next, the Standing Committee members listened to Comrade Do Xuan Quy report on the work results of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice in May. Accordingly, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice has closely followed the key tasks in the 2024 Work Program; focused on leading and directing the Party Committees and subordinate Party cells to synchronously and comprehensively deploy all aspects of Party work and achieved many results.
Comrade Do Xuan Quy, Chief of Office of the Party Committee of the Ministry , Chief of Office of the Ministry of Justice reported at the Conference.
Specifically, in the leadership and direction work, the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice organized an online conference to disseminate and implement Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW, dated October 10, 2023 of the Politburo on " building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new period "; continue to implement the Action Program to implement the resolutions and conclusions adopted at the 8th Conference of the 13th Central Executive Committee (Action Program No. 07-CTHĐ/DU dated December 21, 2023); Programs and Plans to implement documents and resolutions of the Central Committee, higher-level Party Committees at the Ministry and other Work Plans of the Party Committee of the Ministry. In the leadership of implementing political tasks, the Party Committee of the Ministry has coordinated with the Party Executive Committee and the Ministry's leaders to direct the implementation and completion of the tasks of May 2024 of the Ministry and its units, especially the contents related to the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly such as: Advising the Government to complete, revise and submit to the National Assembly for comments to pass 10 draft laws, 3 legal resolutions and comment on 11 other draft laws; continuing to prepare and complete proposals for drafting and draft laws assigned to preside over drafting; organizing a conference to review the work of THADS and administrative judgment enforcement in the first 6 months of 2024;...
In the work of political and ideological education, the Party Committee of the Ministry coordinated to organize an online conference connecting the Central Propaganda Department to disseminate and implement Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW dated October 10, 2023 of the Politburo on " building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new period " with the participation of more than 100 comrades who are members of the Party Executive Committee of the Ministry and members of the Party Committees and affiliated Party cells. At the same time, organize the study, dissemination, dissemination, propaganda and implementation of new documents and instructions of the Secretariat, the Central Propaganda Department, the Party Committee of the Central Agencies Bloc to the affiliated Party Committees and Party cells;...
In addition, the work of building grassroots Party organizations; inspection, supervision, and enforcement of Party discipline; mass mobilization work and leadership of socio-political organizations also achieved many positive results. Comrade Do Xuan Quy also mentioned some key tasks for June 2024 such as: Coordinating with the Party Executive Committee, the Ministry's leaders to direct units to complete the tasks for June 2024, focusing on tasks related to law-making and preparing content for the Government's monthly regular meeting; thoroughly grasping, disseminating and implementing new documents and resolutions of the Central Committee and higher-level Party Committees at the Ministry, focusing on implementing the Resolution of the 9th Central Conference, Session XIII;...
In addition, the members of the Standing Committee exchanged, discussed and gave opinions on the following contents: Personnel work according to the requirements of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice and the proposal of the Party Committee of the General Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement; reviewing and supplementing the planning of Party committee positions and inspection committees of the Party Committee of the National Registration Department of Secured Transactions for the 2020-2025 and 2025-2030 terms; considering Party admission and recognizing official Party members for probationary Party members;...
Comrade Dang Hoang Oanh, Party Secretary, Deputy Minister of Justice spoke at the Conference.
Concluding the Conference, Party Secretary and Deputy Minister of Justice Dang Hoang Oanh acknowledged and highly appreciated the results achieved by the Party Committee of the Ministry in May 2024; and agreed with the key tasks in June 2024 as well as the contents discussed at the Conference. The Deputy Minister requested the Office of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice to continue studying the policy on arrangement for its Party Cell; maximally absorb the opinions of members of the Party Committee Standing Committee to complete the report on the results of May's work and the key tasks of June 2024 of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Justice.
Some pictures at the Conference:
Source: https://moj.gov.vn/qt/tintuc/Pages/hoat-dong-cua-cac-to-chuc-chinh-tri-xh.aspx?ItemID=2539
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