The poem "Country" by poet Nguyen Khoa Diem has been "included" in the 2024 High School Graduation Literature exam.
Literature exam for high school graduation 2024: 'Country' by Nguyen Khoa Diem. |
The high school graduation exam will take place on June 26-28 with more than 1 million candidates. Literature is the first subject in the high school graduation exam. This afternoon, candidates will continue to take the Math exam. Tomorrow, candidates will take one of two combined exams: Natural Science or Social Science in the morning, and Foreign Language in the afternoon.
This is the last year that candidates will take the exam according to the old general education program (2006 program). From next year, the number of subjects will be reduced to 4, including two compulsory subjects and two optional subjects. The structure and content of the exam will also be changed to match the new program (2018).
This year, only 37% of candidates chose the Natural Science exam, while the remaining 63% chose the Social Science exam. Compared to last year, the number of candidates choosing the Social Science exam increased and was the highest since 2017.
The 2024 high school graduation exam will be organized basically stable as in the 2020-2023 period. The Ministry of Education and Training has issued general instructions, and the provinces/cities directly under the central government will preside over all exam organization work in their localities. The examination councils will organize the exam from June 26-29; mark the exam from June 29; announce the graduation exam scores at 8:00 a.m. on July 17, and consider recognizing high school graduation on July 19.
In 2023, out of more than a million candidates taking the Literature exam, one got a perfect score, 92 failed. The average score was 6.86. The highest score achieved by most candidates was 7.
High school graduation exam schedule 2024. |
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