Attending the workshop were comrade Le Quoc Minh - Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, President of the Vietnam Journalists Association; comrade Luu Dinh Phuc - Director of the Press Department, Ministry of Information and Communications and representatives of 27 Party Newspaper agencies, Radio and Television Stations of the northern midland and mountainous provinces.
Speaking at the opening of the workshop, Director of Quang Ninh Provincial Media Center Nguyen The Lam affirmed: Digital transformation in general, digital transformation in the field of journalism in particular, has helped press agencies develop more and more professionally, master modern media technology, produce quality works, contribute to innovating the Party's propaganda work and better meet the public's information needs.
Conference scene. (Nhan Dan Newspaper)
However, the digital transformation of journalism is still facing many difficulties and challenges such as: awareness; resources for digital transformation; technology mastery; professional skills and the ability to apply technology of reporters and editors in the digital environment...
The organization of the workshop aims to create a forum for press and media agencies to update new content in the general theoretical issues of digital transformation of journalism; share and resolve difficulties, analyze and evaluate the current situation and issues facing journalism in the context of current digital transformation; thereby proposing orientations and solutions to promote digital transformation in the field of journalism in a manner appropriate to the capacity, operational practices and development strategies of each unit.
Editor-in-Chief, Director of Quang Ninh Provincial Media Center Nguyen The Lam delivered the opening speech at the workshop. (Photo: Nhan Dan Newspaper)
According to Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Tuyen Quang Newspaper Nguyen Thi Hoai Yen, to successfully transform digitally, high-quality human resources are one of the challenges and difficulties for press agencies.
For example, Tuyen Quang Newspaper currently lacks highly qualified IT engineers to do network administration, data administration, and digital platform development. Sometimes, in some cases, reporters and editors feel helpless when having to rely on technicians to solve their work; the change from offline to online or multi-platform work has made many reporters and editors unable to keep up.
Sharing about the trend of approaching AI technology and the direction for the press in the coming time, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper Le Quoc Minh affirmed: Press agencies have taken slow steps in digital transformation, but initially have brought certain effectiveness; if they know how to take advantage of technology, they will achieve important changes in development.
Journalist Le Quoc Minh shared at the event.
In the coming time, the direction of press agencies in the future is to grasp AI technology, because this will help improve the work of journalists and bring great potential to each press agency; along with that, the use of digital technology, social networking platforms are also bringing certain effects in communication and journalism because it attracts a large number of readers. However, the attention to development strategies, collecting information directly to attract readers is not really of interest to press agencies at present.
On the other hand, the development of AI will make it difficult for the economic development of press agencies, especially the use of AI will also raise issues and legality in its use. For press agencies, the most important thing is to generate revenue, but the question is whether press information really brings value to readers; is the content really exclusive and different enough for readers? This is also a difficulty in the current economic development of newspapers.
Regarding the trend of press agencies in digital transformation, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper Le Quoc Minh emphasized that there should be no situation of using press content without approval; there should be legal frameworks to protect press agencies and readers in the flow of digital transformation; besides, it is necessary to value printed newspapers as high-end products that provide valuable information with depth and understanding that only humans can bring.
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