The Ministry of Transport has just issued an official dispatch requesting maritime and waterway agencies and units to immediately implement response plans for storm Man-yi (storm No. 9) in the East Sea.
According to the telegram and bulletin of the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, at 7:00 a.m. this morning (November 18), the center of storm Man-yi (storm No. 9) was located at about 18.2 degrees North latitude; 118.3 degrees East longitude, in the eastern sea of the northern East Sea. The strongest wind near the center of the storm is level 11 (103-117 km/h), gusting to level 14. Moving in the West Northwest direction, speed about 20 km/h.
The Ministry of Transport requested agencies and units to immediately implement response plans for storm No. 9 Man-yi (Photo: Path of storm No. 9 at 5:00 p.m. on November 18, according to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting).
To proactively respond to the developments of Man-yi (storm No. 9), the Ministry of Transport requested the Vietnam Maritime Electronic Information Company Limited to direct the coastal information station system to regularly monitor closely, update, immediately process information and promptly notify the location, developments and direction of the storm so that vehicles and captains of ships and boats operating at sea can know, proactively avoid, escape or not move into dangerous areas.
The Vietnam Maritime Administration and the Vietnam Inland Waterways Administration direct maritime port authorities and inland waterway port authorities to continuously monitor the developments and movement of the storm to notify and guide ships when granting permission for ships to leave port; count and manage departures and maintain regular contact with ships operating in the storm-affected area to promptly handle possible bad situations.
With the Vietnam Maritime Search and Rescue Coordination Center, the Ministry of Transport requires the readiness of forces and means to participate in search and rescue when ordered.
The Ministry of Transport also requires these agencies and units to organize 24/7 duty and regularly report to the Ministry of Transport's Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Search and Rescue.
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