3 steps in a healthy diet to help prevent cancer and...
2023-06-30 15:32:00
To maintain a healthy weight and prevent the risk of disease, nutritionists advise that we should follow a balanced and healthy diet. So what is the diet...
Successful treatment and care of 700 gram premature baby
2023-06-30 14:54:00
baophutho.vn After more than 2 months of anxiety and worry, only being able to see her child through the photos of the doctors of the Neonatal Department - Provincial Maternity and Pediatrics Hospital, on June 27, she...
When traveling to the beach, what kind of seafood can gout patients eat?
2023-06-30 10:15:00
People with gout should avoid foods high in purines because they can aggravate their symptoms. Unfortunately, seafood is one of the common foods rich in...
Can soaking oysters in lemon juice kill Vibrio vulnificus bacteria?
2023-06-30 09:36:00
A 54-year-old man in Missouri recently died after contracting a flesh-eating bacteria from eating raw oysters. The man became infected after eating oysters purchased from The...
Warning of testicular torsion in men
2023-06-29 17:06:00
baophutho.vn Recently, the Department of Nephrology and Urology, Provincial General Hospital received and performed emergency surgery on a 20-year-old male patient (residing in...
Ensuring medical examination and treatment conditions during hot season
2023-06-29 13:14:00
baophutho.vn In the face of prolonged hot weather, in order to limit the negative impacts of the weather on the health of patients and their families...
How to treat skin problems in people with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
2023-06-29 09:00:00
In chronic skin diseases, psoriasis and atopic dermatitis will recur and progress if the skin is left dry. When the disease progresses, it will be difficult to treat and affect aesthetics.
2 dark green leafy vegetables are known as “superfoods”
2023-06-29 08:53:00
Dark green leafy vegetables are some of the healthiest foods you can eat. Two of them, spinach and kale, are inexpensive yet nutrient-dense vegetables that are...
Yogurt – a powerful aid against intestinal diseases in the summer
2023-06-29 07:55:00
Summer is often hot and humid, with frequent weather changes creating favorable conditions for disease-causing bacteria to grow. Adding yogurt to your daily diet not only provides protein, vitamins...
How can the elderly supplement calcium to prevent osteoporosis without...
2023-06-29 07:00:00
Older adults are often advised to take calcium supplements to prevent osteoporosis, but too much calcium can significantly increase the risk of heart valve problems in older adults, contributing to...
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