According to the draft, the exam will be organized in 3 sessions: 1 session for literature, 1 session for math and 1 session for an optional test (including 2 subjects from the following subjects: physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, economic education and law, information technology, technology - industry, technology - agriculture, foreign languages (English, Russian, French, Chinese, German, Japanese and Korean). Candidates can register to take a foreign language other than the foreign language they are studying in high school.
In 2025, the Ministry of Education and Training will organize the high school graduation exam with two types of exam questions. One type of exam is for candidates studying under the 2018 General Education Program to take the high school graduation exam in 2025; the other type of exam is for candidates who did not study under the 2018 General Education Program and have not graduated from high school to take the high school graduation exam in 2025. Candidates who have graduated from high school can choose to take the exam according to one of the two types of exam questions above.
Regarding exam room arrangement, the draft stipulates: candidates who have graduated from high school, candidates who have completed the general education program but have not graduated from high school in previous years, candidates who have graduated from secondary school taking the exam and candidates in continuing education are arranged to take the exam together with candidates who are high school students studying grade 12 in the year of the exam at a number of exam locations decided by the Director of the Department of Education and Training.
Regarding exemption from foreign language exams in the recognition of high school graduation, the draft stipulates: members of the national team participating in the International Olympic competition in foreign languages according to the Decision of the Minister of Education and Training are exempted from the foreign language exam in the recognition of high school graduation.
People who have one of the foreign language certificates specified in the appendix of the Regulation or foreign language certificates recognized by the Ministry of Education and Training as equivalent to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam (level 3 or higher and valid until the date of exam registration) are exempted from taking the foreign language test in the consideration of high school graduation recognition.
Candidates who are eligible for exemption from the foreign language test will not have their scores converted to be included in the total graduation score. In cases where candidates are eligible for exemption from the foreign language test but still want to take the foreign language test in the graduation exam, they must use the actual foreign language test results to calculate the high school graduation score.
According to the draft, the high school graduation score includes: the scores of the subjects that candidates take to be considered for high school graduation recognition, converted to a 10-point scale to calculate the graduation score; the average score of the years of study at the high school level; priority and incentive points, if any. In which, the average score of each school year is the average score of the subjects evaluated by scores.
Graduation scores for students are calculated according to the following formula:
Candidates who are eligible to take the exam, have not been disciplined to have their exam results canceled, all exam subjects achieve above 1 point on a 10-point scale and have a graduation score of 5 points or higher will be recognized as graduating from high school.
Candidates who are eligible to take the exam and are exempted from all exams in the high school graduation exam according to the provisions of this Regulation will be recognized as graduating from high school.
Readers can see the draft HERE
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