Implementing the Project to convert from ineffective corn cultivation to vegetable and color crops with higher economic value according to the orientation of the People's Committee of Quan Ba district, in the summer-autumn crop of 2024, many households in Nghia Thuan commune have replaced corn with crops such as cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, and peanuts.
Mr. Lu Thai Trang, a resident of Na Linh village, informed: “This summer-autumn crop, my family has converted more than 1 hectare of corn land to grow tomatoes and cucumbers. Up to now, the cucumber plant has yielded more than 1 ton of fruit, and traders have come to the garden to buy. The average price of cucumbers is from 10,000 VND - 15,000 VND/kg, the highest time reaching 18,000 VND/kg, bringing economic benefits many times higher than growing corn”.
For Mr. San Sai Cao, after converting 1,000 square meters of corn fields to sweet pepper cultivation, the economic efficiency was clear. Mr. Cao shared: Sweet pepper is an easy-to-grow plant, suitable for local soil conditions. From about 3 months after planting, the plant will start to bear fruit and the harvest will last for 5-6 months, with good care it can last up to 1 year. Before deciding to switch to growing chili, he was very worried because he did not know the technique, but was instructed by the commune's agricultural extension officer on how to plant and care for it, so his family's chili garden bore fruit and developed well, with high yield, each plant yielding an average of about 1kg. Selling on the market is from 20,000 VND/kg, each crop brings in 40 million VND".
Implementing the Project to convert from ineffective corn crops to high-value vegetable and color crops shows that, in order to select suitable crops, every year, through agricultural and rural development programs, the Nghia Thuan commune government has actively coordinated with specialized sectors to survey climate conditions, test soil samples, water sources; strengthen training on soil preparation techniques, plant care, and transplanting... in the garden according to the motto "hand-holding and showing how to do it"; organize study tours to learn about effective crop conversion models in other localities.
In addition, the People's Committee of Nghia Thuan commune has implemented synchronous solutions such as: Understanding the district's policies and orientations; taking advantage of and integrating support capital sources from Projects and sub-projects of the National Target Program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period 2021-2030, phase I: from 2021-2025 (National Target Program 1719); propaganda and mobilization work for people to participate in concretizing the Project. Another positive signal is that income from vegetables and crops helps local people be more proactive in implementing the Project. According to statistics of the People's Committee of Nghia Thuan commune, in the summer-autumn crop of 2024, the whole commune converted over 200 hectares of corn land to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peanuts, etc.
Mr. San Tien Phuc, Vice Chairman of Nghia Thuan Commune People's Committee informed: "The conversion of crop structure from ineffective corn to high-value crops is being actively implemented by the locality, creating a vibrant emulation movement. In the summer-autumn crop of 2024 alone, the commune has converted 13 hectares of cucumbers, 45 hectares of tomatoes, 148 hectares of peanuts... Of which, the two types of cucumbers and tomatoes increased by 20 hectares compared to 2023.
In addition to converting the structure of ineffective corn cultivation to vegetable cultivation, the People's Committee of Nghia Thuan commune has mobilized people to completely convert 250 hectares of ineffective corn land to grow seedless persimmons. This is a temperate fruit tree that has been granted geographical indication in Quan Ba district, in which Nghia Thuan is the core area of this fruit.
Thanks to the right policies and positive solutions, suitable to the actual conditions of the locality, farmers in Nghia Thuan commune have changed their production mindset, boldly transformed the crop structure, creating strong changes in household economic development. Thereby, helping people to sustainably reduce poverty and gradually get rich from agricultural production. According to the review up to March 2024, the average income per capita in Nghia Thuan commune reached 35 million VND/person/year.
With the viewpoint: "Rural areas are the foundation; agriculture is the driving force; farmers are the center and the subject", in 2024, the whole Quan Ba district strives to convert 1,355 hectares of ineffective corn land to crops with high economic value such as: Soybeans, red peppers, peanuts, cucumbers, tomatoes...
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