With the spirit of "Joining hands to spread knowledge - Sending love", the delegation donated more than 100 reference books, advanced books, new learning materials; 500 old textbooks for primary and secondary schools; 500 story books, children's books; 01 sound system. All gifts are sincere feelings from all employees of PTSC Thanh Hoa and companions with the desire to bring joy and motivation in learning to the children of Ban Cong Primary School.
The donation ceremony took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere. The school representative expressed their gratitude for the volunteer group's generosity and believed that this bookcase would become a valuable companion for the students. In addition to the book donation activity, the group also had moments of interaction, chatting and encouraging the students to nurture their passion for reading. The trip not only brought material value but also spread the spirit of sharing and love to the community. PTSC Thanh Hoa hopes that in the future, there will be more meaningful programs to continue accompanying children in the highlands, helping them have more motivation to study and achieve more success in the future.
Nguyen Thi Duyen
Source: https://www.ptsc.com.vn/tin-tuc/tin-ptsc-1/doan-the-xa-hoi/ptsc-thanh-hoa-lan-toa-yeu-thuong--trao-tang-tu-sach-chap-canh-uoc-mo-cho-tre-em-vung-cao
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