Prostate Cancer: Symptoms in Men's Legs You Need to Know
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men worldwide. Early recognition of symptoms will help in early detection, reduce the risk of metastasis and increase the chance of successful treatment.
Advanced prostate cancer can cause bone pain in the thighs, knees or calves.
In the early stages of prostate cancer, symptoms are often related to the urinary tract. However, when it is in the advanced stages, the disease will affect many other parts of the body, including the legs and feet, according to the health website Livestrong (USA).
Leg symptoms that may warn of prostate cancer in men include:
Inability to stand or walk for long periods of time. As prostate cancer progresses, it can spread to the bones, especially the pelvis, hips, and spine. This spread can cause bone pain and weakening of the bone structure, making it difficult to stand or walk. In addition, general fatigue and discomfort can also limit mobility.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article Prostate cancer: Symptoms in the legs that men need to know on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of March 14. You can also read other articles about men such as: 4 important signs of cancer that men should not ignore; Discover more good news for married men...
Scientists find the best time to watch TV for health
New research just published in the American Heart Association's journal JAHA, has found the best time to watch TV for health.
Watching TV is a daily sedentary behavior that increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease occurs when plaque builds up in the arteries, leading to conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.
Watching TV for up to 1 hour a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 12% compared to watching 2 hours or more
So, researchers at the University of Cambridge (UK) and the University of Hong Kong (China) wanted to find out the impact of watching TV on the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in people with a genetic predisposition to diabetes - who are at higher risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article Scientists find the best time to watch TV for health on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of March 14. You can also read other science news such as: Breakthrough: Vaccine to prevent heart attacks and strokes has initial success; Scientists clear the name of sweet mangoes!...
How does excess weight damage bones and joints?
Excessive weight gain, especially obesity, has a negative impact on the musculoskeletal system. Excess weight not only puts pressure on the joints but also triggers inflammatory processes, leading to cartilage degeneration.
Excess weight gain can negatively impact your joints, especially weight-bearing joints like your knees.
Excess weight gain can have the following effects on your joints:
Increased stress on joints. The human skeletal system is designed to support a certain amount of weight. When this weight is exceeded due to weight gain, especially obesity, the weight-bearing joints such as the knees, hips and spine will be under greater pressure. This condition accelerates the wear and tear of the joints, leading to diseases such as osteoarthritis, according to the health website Healthline (USA).
New day with health news, we invite you to continue reading the article How does excessive weight gain damage bones and joints? on Thanh Nien Online health news on the new day of March 14. You can also read other articles about weight loss such as: Intermittent fasting and weight loss; 5 habits after dinner to help lose weight faster...
In addition, on Friday, March 14, there were many other health news articles such as: 'Skin-to-skin' helps reduce child mortality; Discovering more miracles when the elderly exercise...
New day with health news, wish you a new day with good health, joy and effective work.
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