Heavy rain for many days in a row has caused many difficulties in deploying machinery and human resources to construct the Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon expressway through Binh Dinh.
Continuous heavy rain, contractors are restless
In contrast to the bustling atmosphere, machinery and vehicles lined up at full capacity like a large construction site before, traveling along the Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon highway on December 11, according to Giao thong Newspaper, many vehicles lined up and stopped at the construction site, unable to work due to unfavorable weather conditions. Over the past 10 days, there has been continuous rain in Binh Dinh province, making construction difficult.
Heavy rain prevented the construction of the roadbed at Package 12-XL of Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon Expressway of Truong Thinh Group.
Not letting himself rest despite the bad weather, Mr. Hoang Gia Dai, Head of the Executive Board of Truong Thinh Group at the 12-XL package, Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon expressway, was still busy with paperwork, books, counting the workload, and reviewing the remaining difficult tasks. Every now and then, he would run out to the front yard of the management house and look up at the sky. Suddenly, worry was evident on his face as the heavy rain continued to pour down.
In the 12-XL package, Truong Thinh Group is in charge of nearly 6km (from Km64+220 - Km70+091). This unit said that when the site was assigned, the unit focused on building the service road, and the "entry" into the main route's foundation was slower because the land leveling quarry was not assigned until February 2024. Moreover, of the unit's nearly 6km, up to 3.8km needed to handle weak ground, and the time to monitor subsidence took 2 months, making progress impossible.
"Despite the difficulties, the unit has increased machinery, mobilizing nearly 70 machines, equipment and hundreds of workers to the construction site. Up to now, K95 has been filled with nearly 4.5km of soil, K98 with 1.7km. The progress is about 51%," said Mr. Dai.
Video of continuous heavy rain preventing the contractor of Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon expressway from carrying out road embankment work:
"Recently, the unit has been focusing resources on filling the roadbed, basically stabilizing the foundation. The unit has prepared materials to grade crushed stone for sections that have reached the top of K98 in a rolling manner. Each section that reaches K98 will be graded.
However, over the past 20 days, due to continuous rain, the unit has not been able to fill the remaining sections of K98. With prolonged heavy rain, the construction of the main items, especially the roadbed filling, has almost "stalled", Mr. Dai sighed and calculated: "From November 17 until now, the unfavorable weather has caused the unit to only carry out moderate construction on items such as elevating the slope and planting grass".
In this package, Son Hai Group is responsible for 22km (from Km 23+500 - Km 45+400). Although it is the first unit to asphalt the entire project and the leading unit in terms of progress, currently in the total assigned volume, this unit has asphalted the entire first layer of the road surface and paved 7km of the second layer of the road surface. However, worries are still present on the faces of the unit's commanders.
Despite difficulties due to heavy rain, the progress of the Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon expressway is still guaranteed.
It is known that nearly 300 workers and officers of the unit have been "waiting for the sky" for many days. Tens of thousands of guardrails imported from abroad are waiting to be assembled. Road paving construction teams are forced to slow down. The service roads and intersections are still under construction, while human resources and machinery are "frozen" due to the weather, making the contractor impatient.
"Although the progress is guaranteed as required, the contractor is not allowed to be subjective or negligent. The unit is making efforts and focusing resources to complete its part of the work by mid-2025. The sooner it is completed, if necessary, the unit will reinforce other units to ensure the progress of this entire project," shared a leader of Son Hai at package 12-XL.
Proactive response plan
At the Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon expressway, despite the continuous heavy rain, contractors have prepared response plans in advance. Thanks to that, although it is difficult to increase production, it does not affect the completed volume and quality of the project.
Truong Thinh Group's leaders always monitor the weather. Right from the first days of the rainy season, the unit mobilized dozens of long-arm excavators to clear the flow when the flood came to protect the volume of work that had been done.
Similarly, at the section from Km50+465 to Km57+460, the contractor Phuc Loc Group Joint Stock Company requested 100% of staff and workers to be on duty at the construction site during the rainy and flood days to be ready to respond. Currently, the K98 roadbed embankment of the unit has been completed, and crushed stone has been mixed in many sections, so protecting the slope is very important.
Mr. Mai Huy Cu, Deputy CEO of Phuc Loc Group Joint Stock Company, said that many days before, in parallel with the implementation of the construction of the main roadbed, the unit divided many construction teams to actively make paving slabs and smooth the slope to sow grass to protect the slope. On days of heavy rain, the unit always went along the route to check the situation, ready to clear the flow, not letting erosion affect the achieved output.
Son Hai Group has paved 7km of layer 2 of Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon highway.
In parallel with the work of protecting the project during heavy rain, highway contractors are preparing materials so that as soon as the weather is favorable, they can resume construction simultaneously at all points to ensure that the project's progress is not "flooded".
On days of heavy rain, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Luan - Commander of the Traffic Construction Corporation 8 - CTCT (Cienco 8) drives an old truck all the way to Khanh Hoa province to find a suitable source of stone, ensuring quality and signing a contract to bring it to the foot of the construction site, ready to lay asphalt when the weather is favorable.
"Currently, the unit has completed the entire 5km of CTB paving that the unit is responsible for in the project. The unit is preparing the materials, just waiting for the sun to rise for a few days, then cleaning the road surface and proceeding with the asphalt paving to ensure the set progress," said Mr. Luan.
The leaders of Project Management Board 85 (investor, Ministry of Transport) also regularly inspect the route to ensure safety during the rainy season. They closely monitor information from the Flood and Storm Prevention Steering Committee of Binh Dinh province and hydrometeorological information to have appropriate construction management plans.
In addition to focusing on storm and flood prevention, the investor also required contractors to develop construction plans in accordance with weather developments. Thanks to that, the project's progress has so far exceeded the plan. The cumulative output to date has reached nearly 4.4 billion VND, reaching more than 57% of the contract, 0.07% faster than the approved schedule.
The Hoai Nhon - Quy Nhon Expressway Project is over 70km long (passing through Binh Dinh province) with a total investment of over VND 12,400 billion, invested by Project Management Board 85 (Ministry of Transport). The project started construction on January 1, 2023 and is expected to be completed in December 2025.
Source: https://www.baogiaothong.vn/khong-de-mua-lon-anh-huong-tien-do-cao-toc-hoai-nhon-quy-nhon-192241211235318078.htm
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