A candidate received a "hot bonus" from his parents right after completing the 2024 high school graduation exam in English.
Candidates said the test was "easier than the semester exam"
This afternoon, June 28, candidates completed the 2024 high school graduation exam in foreign languages, which was also the last exam session. At the exam site of Doan Thi Diem Secondary School (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City), Nguyen Hoang Gia Viet Hung, a student at Nguyen Thi Minh Khai High School, commented: "This test was easier than the semester exam at school, I finished it in 15 minutes, the remaining time was just to review the test."
Similarly, Ho Ngoc Nhu Y, a student at the same school, said "the test was quite good, somewhat easier than the semester test, it only took 30 minutes to complete both the test and the revision". "In the test, I found a rather interesting idiom related to violets. I'm not sure if the answer I chose is correct or not", said Y.
Bui Quoc Viet, a student at Marie Curie High School (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City), agreed: "Among the idioms, only the question related to violets was difficult and made me 'shut down'. I chose and chose again, and finally 'gave up'. I only did it in 15 minutes, aiming to get 9.50 or higher", said the male student taking the B00 exam for admission to Hanoi Medical University.
Specifically, the 2024 high school graduation exam in English has the sentence: "The young star loves appearing on television and is no ___ violet when it comes to expressing her views". The answers given are blooming, drying, rotting and shrinking, combined with the phrase "violet" to create a meaningful idiom.
Candidates discuss with each other about the 2024 high school graduation exam in English
Meanwhile, Nguyen Pham Ngoc Hoa, a student at Nguyen Thi Minh Khai High School, said that in addition to the idiom about violets, she also had difficulty with the phrase "makes no bone about". "I thought about these sentences until the end of the class but still didn't know if they were correct, so I finally chose them randomly. I have never encountered these idioms in any English practice tests or documents, so maybe this is a sentence to differentiate", Hoa shared.
The female student added that she found the grammar section "quite easy". For confident candidates with a good foundation, it is not difficult to get at least 8 points even if it only takes 15-30 minutes. "I got 6.5 in the IELTS but still tried to take the English test instead of choosing to be exempted to increase my chances of being admitted to the journalism major at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City. In addition, I also took the competency assessment test but the results will not be available until July", Hoa said.
What is the correct answer?
Do Nguyen Dang Khoa, a graduate of English Teaching at Warwick University (UK) and a 2021 Hornby Scholar, said the correct answer would be "shrinking violet", an idiom used to describe shy people. Accordingly, we can imagine this meaning through the image of a small violet hidden under the layers of larger trees.
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So, the correct answer would be: "The young star loves appearing on television and is no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing her views".
"Some sources say that the origin of this idiom comes from England, and the type of violet mentioned in the idiom is the Viola odorata variety (English violet). According to the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) corpus, the idiom 'shrinking violet' is often used in newspaper and magazine contexts," Mr. Khoa informed.
The tiny Viola odorata is mentioned in the idiom "shrinking violet"
Meanwhile, "make no bones about something" means to speak directly, without hesitation or hesitation about something. Usually, this phrase is used when the speaker wants to emphasize that they want to present a point of view frankly.
"According to some sources, this phrase originated in the 1400s. The reason this interesting idiom refers to 'bones', according to some sources, is probably to refer to a boneless beef stew that people can eat without hesitation. According to COCA, this idiom also appears often in the press, and we can also see it appearing often in spoken language," shared Master Khoa.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/de-thi-tieng-anh-15-phut-la-xong-nhung-thanh-ngu-nao-khien-thi-sinh-tat-nguon-185240628180427239.htm
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