The Hydrometeorological Agency forecasts that on March 21-22, the Southeast region will have hot weather with the highest temperature commonly ranging from 35-36 degrees Celsius, and the lowest relative humidity commonly ranging from 50-55%.
Heat wave warning in the Southeast region is likely to last in the coming days.
Weather forecast for day and night March 21:
Cloudy, early morning fog in some places, sunny day; no rain at night. Light wind. Cold morning and night.
Lowest temperature: 16-18 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 25-27 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, some rain, early morning fog in some places, sunny in the afternoon. Light wind. Cold morning and night.
Lowest temperature: 14-17 degrees Celsius, some places below 12 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 24-27 degrees Celsius, some places above 27 degrees Celsius.
Cloudy, early morning fog in some places, sunny during the day; rain in some places at night. Light wind. Cold morning and night.
Lowest temperature: 15-18 degrees Celsius, in mountainous areas below 12 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 24-27 degrees Celsius.
Thanh Hoa – Thua Thien Hue
North cloudy, early morning fog in some places, sunny during the day, some rain at night; South cloudy, some rain. North to Northwest wind level 2-3. Cold in the morning and at night.
Lowest temperature: 15-18 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 23-26 degrees Celsius.
Da Nang - Binh Thuan
North cloudy, some rain; South cloudy, sunny day, no rain at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: North 18-21 degrees C; South 22-24 degrees C.
Highest temperature: North 24-27 degrees C, South 28-31 degrees C.
Central Highlands
Cloudy, sunny during the day, showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: 16-19 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 27-30 degrees Celsius.
Southern Vietnam
Cloudy, sunny during the day, especially hot in the East; showers and thunderstorms in some places in the evening and at night. Northeast wind level 2-3.
Lowest temperature: 24-27 degrees Celsius.
Highest temperature: 31-34 degrees Celsius; in the East 34-36 degrees Celsius.
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