Conference scene.

In the first 6 months of 2023, with high solidarity and unity, the Party Committee, the Division Commander, and Party Committees and Commanders at all levels have promoted democracy, led and directed agencies and units to successfully complete military tasks, notably: Agencies and units have organized education and dissemination for 100% of officers and soldiers to deeply understand the 2023 combat training orders of the Military Region Commander; strictly maintained combat readiness regime; participated in and organized 17 strict and serious training courses for officers at all levels. The test results were 100% satisfactory, of which more than 90% were good and excellent; doing well in all preparations for training tasks, the entire division has invested more than 22,000 working days and more than 500 million VND to consolidate and renew the training grounds, steles, and teaching aids; Organize training for subjects according to the motto "Basic, practical, solid", training quality is improved, test results of faculties and training items are 100% satisfactory, more than 85% are good and excellent;...

In the last 6 months of 2023, Division 968 determined: Continue to strictly maintain combat readiness regimes; improve training quality for subjects; strengthen practical training, night training, cadre training and training, fostering rescue skills; make breakthroughs in training, shooting, and team command; organize command exercises, 1-side and 2-level agencies in the field and participate in the defense area exercise of Quang Tri province with high results, ensuring absolute safety in all aspects, at the same time prepare forces, means, facilities, ready to effectively handle situations, not to be passive and surprised...

News and photos: NGUYEN THANH HAI

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