On the morning of April 26, speaking with Thanh Nien reporter, Mr. Pham Xuan Tien, Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Education and Training said: "The line between counseling and orientation and showing signs of forcing students not to participate in the 10th grade entrance exam is very fragile. If the teacher does not act tactfully, it can cause parents to misunderstand, leading to unfortunate stories. However, it is necessary to consider each specific situation."
Parents panic when their child's report card is "blank" after still deciding to register for the 10th grade entrance exam
A few years ago, according to Mr. Tien, in some schools, there was a phenomenon of teachers guiding students with lower academic performance than their peers to choose to register for grade 10 at types of schools that are suitable for their children's learning ability. In fact, some parents decided to send their children to vocational schools or private schools right before the grade 10 exam took place, even though they had previously written an application to register for grade 10 at a public school.
"However, we must also frankly admit that there are cases where students are forced by the school, causing parents to be upset. This is very regrettable," Mr. Tien emphasized.
Mr. Tien also said that at the conference guiding the implementation of enrollment work for kindergartens, grades 1, 6 and 10 for the 2023-2024 school year held on April 6, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training has thoroughly informed all education and training departments and schools, requiring them to absolutely not encourage students not to take the grade 10 exam in any form.
Schools are responsible for fully and accurately informing all students about regulations related to 10th grade admission and student orientation of Hanoi City so that students can make appropriate choices, without coercion; at the same time, ensuring the right to register for the exam of all students.
Mr. Tien noted: "Based on the students' learning ability, teachers only provide students and their parents with information about the types of schools they can attend in grade 10 and advise them on their wishes that are suitable to their abilities. The decision-making power belongs to the students and their families. Schools must ensure the right of students to participate in the 2023-2024 public high school entrance exam when they are qualified and have the desire."
Is it because schools are afraid of affecting performance?
According to Mr. Tien, for each specific incident, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training has directed the Departments of Education and Training and schools to verify and take action with the aim of ensuring the best interests of students. From the 2022-2023 school year, the Hanoi Department of Education and Training has requested the heads of the Departments of Education and Training of districts, towns and cities to thoroughly disseminate and instruct in writing all junior high schools in the area to immediately stop mobilizing students not to take the entrance exam to grade 10 of public high schools and the following years (if any).
Answering the question: "Is the phenomenon of forcing students not to take the 10th grade entrance exam due to schools' fear of affecting their achievements and competition rankings?", Deputy Director Pham Xuan Tien affirmed: "The Hanoi Department of Education and Training does not use the results of the 10th grade entrance exam for public high schools as a criterion for competition rankings for units and schools in the city. The Department of Education and Training will continue to review and verify the reported incidents. If any unit or school is found to have committed violations that affect the learning and exam rights of students, the department will strictly handle them."
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