Specifically, ATO/ATC orders (periodic orders at opening or closing) will not be prioritized over previously entered limit orders when matching orders (currently, ATO/ATC orders will be prioritized over limit orders). ATO/ATC orders will be displayed at a specific price as limit orders (currently ATO/ATC orders are displayed at prices marked "ATO" "ATC") according to the principle of expected matching price. In case there is no expected matching price, the displayed price is the nearest matching price or the reference price (in case there is no nearest matching price).
Stock investors note changes in trading regulations as new technology systems are put into use
Second, investors are allowed to modify the price or volume of unexecuted limit orders (LO orders) or the remaining portion of unexecuted orders during the continuous order matching period according to the following principle: Orders to modify volume reduction will not change the order's priority; orders to modify volume increase or price will change the order's priority.
Third, when applying the new technology system, investors are not allowed to edit or cancel transactions that have been executed on the trading system (currently, it is allowed to edit incorrectly entered transactions during trading hours by canceling the incorrect transaction and entering the correct transaction).
Fourth, odd-lot transactions will be conducted by periodic order matching, continuous order matching and negotiated transaction methods (currently odd-lot transactions are conducted by continuous order matching and negotiated transaction methods).
Fifth, restricted securities will be traded all day and apply the periodic order matching trading method, including: periodic order matching session to determine the opening price, then periodic order matching sessions each lasting 15 minutes and periodic order matching session to determine the closing price (according to current regulations, restricted securities can only be traded in the afternoon trading session by order matching and negotiation method).
Sixth, in the periodic order matching session, the information of the 3 best bid and offer prices displayed are the best bid and offer prices expected to remain after the order matching (currently displaying information of the 3 best bid and offer prices of all orders on the trading order book).
Regarding foreign investors' transactions, the room (the remaining volume allowed for foreign investors to buy) decreases when the purchase order is entered into the trading system (according to current regulations, the room decreases immediately after the foreign investor's purchase order is executed). In case the foreign investor's purchase order is canceled by the investor or the trading system, the room increases by the canceled volume; In case the purchase order is modified to reduce the volume, the room increases by the reduced volume of the order.
For negotiated transactions of stocks and closed-end fund certificates, the room decreases when a foreign bid is entered into the trading system in the case of a negotiated transaction between a foreign investor buying and a domestic investor selling (according to current regulations, the room only decreases after this negotiated transaction is executed). In case a foreign investor cancels a bid with a domestic investor, the room will increase immediately after the cancellation order is entered into the trading system.
Source: https://thanhnien.vn/luu-y-thay-doi-ve-giao-dich-chung-khoan-khi-ap-dung-he-thong-cong-nghe-krx-185250313144527543.htm
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