When the environment changes suddenly, such as being too hot or too cold, it consumes the body's energy and reduces its adaptation to the living environment. When the environmental temperature is too hot, the body must adapt by sweating a lot to release heat, which will lead to a loss of water and minerals, causing fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, loss of appetite, and weight loss.
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In addition, sudden rain and wind cause humidity to increase rapidly, creating a hot and humid climate - favorable conditions for disease-causing microorganisms to develop and spread faster.
On the other hand, when the weather changes, microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, molds, and parasites easily multiply and cause diseases in humans, especially those with weak immune systems and resistance such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with underlying diseases.
To maintain good health and prevent diseases during the changing seasons, you can apply the following methods:
Avoid the sun and heat
First, find ways to reduce the impact of heat from the environment such as: If you go outside, find shade from trees, keep your house well-ventilated, lower the temperature by using a water fan, misting nozzle, air-conditioned rooms, spray water on the yard and roof.
On the other hand, at night it is also necessary to keep children, the elderly and the sick warm, paying attention to the abdomen, chest, neck and limbs.
Enhance nutrients
Along with ways to reduce environmental temperature, it is necessary to have a suitable diet. Pay attention to supplementing substances such as protein, zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium...
Foods rich in vitamin A
Adding vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamins will play an important role in strengthening the immune system.
Pay attention to hygiene
In addition to cleaning the surrounding environment, personal hygiene for children, the elderly and the sick also needs to be paid attention to, such as: cutting fingernails and toenails, regularly washing hands with antibacterial soap, using saline to clean the nose and throat of children every day.
Get enough sleep
Not only do you need to pay attention to what you eat, but you also need to pay attention to sleep, because sleep plays a very important role in health. Parents should make sure that their children get enough sleep 9-12 hours a day depending on their age. Adults need enough sleep 7-8 hours, the bedroom must be clean and airy.
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