The 31-year-old female doctor had cancer but did not have surgery but instead went for a macrobiotic treatment. When she returned to the city, the disease was 'incurable'.
Doctor Tran Kien Binh - Can Tho Oncology Hospital said that recently he has received many cancer cases in the hospital in a serious and exhausted condition.
These patients all have in common that they were advised by doctors to be treated with Western medicine but left the hospital on their own to go home and take herbal medicine, black tea leaves, and macrobiotic diets... When they returned to the hospital, the cancer had progressed and metastasized to many places, with no chance of cure.
A typical case is a 31-year-old female doctor working at a large local hospital who had stomach cancer. According to Dr. Binh, the patient discovered a large tumor that could not be operated on immediately and had to undergo chemotherapy to shrink the tumor.
Cancer patients are being treated at K Hospital. Illustrative photo.
After a period of treatment, the tumor had shrunk and could be operated on. The patient was referred to a large specialized medical facility in Ho Chi Minh City.
However, this female doctor did not go to the hospital as recommended but went home to take herbal medicine, eat a healthy diet and combine healing measures.
Two months later, she returned to the hospital in a state of severe exhaustion, with multiple organ failure including liver and kidney failure and distant metastasis of cancer cells. Despite the doctors' efforts to save her, the female doctor passed away shortly after.
Dr. Binh said that the above case was really unfortunate because the patient was an expert in the field, knowledgeable about the disease and had followed Western medicine from the beginning. If she had followed her colleague's treatment regimen, she would have had a higher chance of survival.
A male patient in his early 30s was diagnosed with early stage lung cancer. Doctors advised chemotherapy but the man left during treatment. Notably, he followed the advice of a community that did not use drugs, only changing his body by dieting and drinking detox water. Two or three months later, the patient was hospitalized in a state of “skin and bones”, the tumor had metastasized to the brain and bones and the chance of treatment was zero.
Another case, 46 years old, was diagnosed with liver cancer. The doctor assessed the prognosis as good, with a good chance of recovery. Surgery was indicated, but the family refused because they were afraid of "going under the knife".
The patient went home to eat vegetarian food and was treated with herbal medicine including black xạ, monkey bones and some other ingredients, boiled and drunk instead of water every day. He even heard the herbalist confirm that "the disease will subside because this medicine helps increase blood circulation and destroy cancer cells".
However, just a few months later, the patient returned to see the doctor in a state of widespread invasive cancer cells, metastasizing to the lungs, compressing the portal vein, with a very poor prognosis.
Dr. Binh said that treatment methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are classic medical methods in treating cancer. However, the situation of cancer patients seeking out witch doctors and witchcraft is still very common and causes difficulties for treating doctors.
“Patients are afraid of the side effects of Western medicine and self-treat with unscientific methods, shortening their lives. Never believe anyone who says traditional medicine can cure cancer,” said Dr. Binh.
In addition, treating cancer with herbal medicine is not as cheap as many people think, each dose costs millions of dong. Many patients are hospitalized in serious condition, financially bankrupt.
Doctor Tran Kien Binh recommends that people, when having symptoms and signs of cancer, should immediately go to cancer centers for early detection and timely treatment.
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