Journals are ranked by a number of organizations according to various criteria, including impact factor and rigorous peer review.
The ISI journal group is ranked by Thomson Reuters according to the impact factor by calculating the number of citations between studies. Scimago, an organization specializing in providing information on the quality of scientific research of countries, headquartered in Spain, analyzes more elaborately and closely with many different indicators, including ranking journals according to Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4. Prestigious international journals are those in large databases such as Web of Science and Scopus, by prestigious publishers in the world such as Elsevier, Springer, Sage.
According to Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Dinh Quan, University of Technology, VNU-HCM, research will be accepted for publication in the journal if it meets the requirements of the Editorial Board. Those studies must first of all be consistent with the specialized content of the journal. Research will be easily accepted for publication if it has a lot of data; is new; is presented in accordance with regulations; has correct grammar, spelling, and semantics in the language (English); has logical discussion content; is not copied (plagiarized); and is reviewed by a number of scientists invited by the Editorial Board via email.
Such published products are often accepted by funding review boards as accepted products of scientific research topics. "The agencies and units in charge also consider them as academic achievements of research activities by their staff, lecturers and students," he said.
Dr. Pham Hiep, Head of the Reduvation educational innovation research group, Thanh Do University, noted how to identify reputable journals to publish research results.
Accordingly, international journals have a strict and rigorous peer review process, not only assessing quality but also post-review. Journals are classified into Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, in which prestigious journals often have long review periods, strict review requirements, and even review response letters are longer than the original article. "I have known a case where an article had a review period of more than 11 years, and the author passed away before the work was published," he said, adding that high-ranking journals also have strict, difficult requirements and are far from other journals.
Dr. Hiep affirmed that there are a number of top important principles that scientists need to follow to ensure the quality of scientific work, including reliability, honesty of research and responsibility, not falsifying data, editing results that affect research results and respecting ethics.
He also noted that some journals were created with dubious intentions to deceive by using names similar to reputable journals. Inexperienced scientists can fall into the trap of paying fees to publish articles in "fake" journals, leading to unjust losses, and in some cases, even when they realize they cannot withdraw their articles.
In order for scientists to choose suitable journals as well as how to calculate scores for each journal, in 2019, the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (Nafosted) issued a list of journals in groups Q1, Q2 and Q3 for each field with 6,940 journals. The list of prestigious ISI journals has 2,277 journals.
In Vietnam, there are currently 14 scientific journals indexed in major scientific databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.
Currently, about 70% of international publications in the WoS (Web of Science, also known as ISI - world scientific journal citation database), 90% in the Scopus list and more than 50% of publications in prestigious national journals come from universities.
See more: 14 Vietnamese scientific journals indexed on Scopus and Web of Science
Nhu Quynh
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