5 key, breakthrough tasks
The plan and tasks for the 2024-2025 school year for higher education and pedagogical colleges sent to higher education institutions, universities, and pedagogical colleges of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) include key and breakthrough tasks:
Perfecting the development strategy, consolidating the organizational structure, mobilizing all resources to improve university governance capacity, enhancing conditions to ensure educational quality, perfecting and developing the internal quality assurance system, improving the performance indicators of each training institution, fully meeting the criteria of university education institution standards.
Strongly innovate training programs and methods associated with strengthening management, improving the quality of human resource training and scientific research capacity, innovation, especially in key fields and sectors according to the development orientation of regions and localities.
Strengthening the application of digital technology, especially artificial intelligence, in the entire higher education system, associated with administrative reform, innovation in school management and administration methods, innovation in teaching and learning methods, testing and assessment, creating positive impacts on general education innovation.
Promote training, fostering, attracting and developing a team of highly qualified lecturers, scientists and leading experts, especially in a number of key, important and high-tech industries and fields.
Effectively organize and implement tasks, prepare well projects according to the Government's action programs to implement the resolutions of the Central Committee and the Politburo; strategies, plans, programs and projects approved by the Prime Minister, especially developing high-quality human resources to serve Vietnam's high-tech industries, focusing on the semiconductor industry, artificial intelligence, cyber security, biotechnology and green energy.
Strengthening integrity monitoring
From the key tasks, the Ministry of Education and Training requires training institutions to complete development strategies, consolidate organizational structures, improve governance capacity, and promote university autonomy in accordance with the Party's guidelines and the State's policies and laws.
Strengthen training, attract and develop the teaching staff, especially for STEM and other key fields; focus on training and improving core capacity for lecturers. In particular, exploit scholarship sources, create conditions and implement necessary support measures so that many lecturers can study to improve their qualifications, especially to study for a doctorate under Project 89; prioritize lecturers in STEM fields to serve the development of high-tech fields and other key fields of the country.
Complete enrollment in 2024 in accordance with regulations; complete enrollment methods from 2025 to ensure quality and fairness, meeting the requirements of innovation in general education programs and methods.
In particular, complete and promptly announce admission methods from 2025 onwards, thoroughly overcome the problem of unfairness and lack of trust in admission methods and criteria; ensure consistency with the 2018 General Education Program, and at the same time have a positive impact on teaching and learning activities in general education.
Innovate and modernize training programs and methods to better meet the labor market's demand for high-quality human resources and the diverse learning needs of learners in the new context.
Promote scientific research, technology development and innovation associated with high-level training and capacity building of lecturers, focusing on quality and social impact. In particular, increase scientific publications in prestigious national and international journals, promote registration of intellectual property rights associated with training, especially doctoral training; plan a system of laboratories and research centers associated with research groups, specialized units in single and multidisciplinary fields.
Ensure adequate funding from tuition fees for scientific, technological and innovative activities of students, permanent lecturers and development of scientific and technological potential of higher education institutions.
Strengthening control of scientific integrity in research activities, research cooperation and publication of research results, especially scientific articles and reports; proactively integrating contents on intellectual property, scientific integrity, entrepreneurship skills and innovation into training programs. Strictly and fully implementing the declaration of data on science and technology on the database system on higher education...
Source: https://laodong.vn/giao-duc/bo-giao-duc-yeu-cau-tang-cuong-kiem-soat-liem-chinh-khoa-hoc-1384241.ldo
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