Many people know Ms. Dang Thi Hao (born in 1952), Head of the Red Cross Association of Zone 6 (Thanh Son Ward, Uong Bi City) as "Humanitarian Ms. Hao". She is a bridge to spread humanitarian and charitable activities to help those in unfortunate and difficult circumstances in life, contributing to ensuring social security in the area.
Ms. Hao said that the activities of the Red Cross Association of Zone 6 are very diverse in form, aiming to help many people in difficult and disadvantaged circumstances in society. Typical: The model of "Humanitarian porridge pot" every day at the Vietnam - Sweden Uong Bi Hospital; the program "Tet for the poor and victims of Agent Orange"; the activity "Repaying gratitude"; supporting the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic...
Since March 2013, with the desire to help patients in difficult circumstances at the Vietnam - Sweden Uong Bi Hospital, Ms. Hao and her sisters in the Association have implemented the model of "Humanitarian porridge pot". Ms. Hao shared: At first, cooking porridge was very difficult, because the sisters had no experience cooking porridge with firewood, so there were times when the porridge was not good; on rainy days, the firewood was wet and difficult to cook, there were also rumors about whether it could be maintained for a long time; but because the patients were in difficulty, we were determined to maintain the porridge pot until now. The members learned from those around them, gained experience to make porridge cooking and distributing porridge better and better. From 1 pot of porridge serving patients every Thursday with more than 100 servings, up to now, we have distributed 500-700 servings of porridge every day, with 2 types of bean porridge (black beans, pumpkin, lotus seeds) and meat porridge.
Cooking over 500 servings of porridge per day with firewood is very hard work, the cooking time is long, and the members who participate in cooking porridge are also old; therefore, in 2019, Ms. Hao mobilized organizations and kind individuals to buy electric pots to cook porridge more deliciously and ensure hygiene. The porridge cooking process is faster, the number of people participating in cooking and distributing porridge has decreased from 20 to 10 people. Along with that, Ms. Hao changed the distribution of porridge in plastic cups to lunch boxes and bowls brought by patients; reducing the cost of buying plastic cups, nylon bags, and packaging labor by more than 80 million VND/year; especially significantly reducing the amount of plastic waste released into the environment, ensuring food hygiene.
To maintain and develop the “Humanitarian Porridge Pot”, over the past 10 years, Ms. Hao has spent a lot of time and effort to mobilize local and foreign benefactors to participate in supporting. The “Humanitarian Porridge Pot” model has cooked and distributed over 1.1 million servings of porridge, with a total cost of over 5.8 billion VND.
After more than 16 years of volunteer work, Ms. Hao cannot remember how many difficult situations she has helped. She launched the "Humane Pig Raising" movement and mobilized benefactors to provide monthly subsidies to humanitarian addresses for poor households, people with serious illnesses and disabilities; and gave gifts to children, students overcoming difficulties, and patients in difficult circumstances during holidays and Tet.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong, who lives in the same neighborhood, was supported by Ms. Hao with 16.5 million VND for heart surgery (in 2014) and 16 million VND for house repairs (in 2022). Ms. Huong shared: "We are a young couple who came here from another place to start a business. I am often sick, raising 2 small children, all the expenses in the family are shouldered by my husband. Knowing the difficult circumstances of my family, Ms. Hao enthusiastically called for support and help, helping us to ease the difficulties. Ms. Hao is always devoted to charity work."
Responding to the campaign "Each organization and individual is associated with a humanitarian address" launched by the Vietnam Red Cross Society, the Red Cross Society of Zone 6 has been nurturing many humanitarian addresses; the Society is currently supporting 300,000 VND/month for Ms. Vu Thi Cuc (84 years old, Zone 6) to raise 2 children under 18 years old. Responding to the call of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at all levels to support the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic, Ms. Hao and the Society members have mobilized benefactors to support nearly 30 million VND and 1,500 medical masks...
With her positive contributions, Ms. Dang Thi Hao has been awarded many certificates of merit by various levels and sectors. For her, the greatest joy is sharing and helping many less fortunate people to have more motivation to overcome difficulties and rise up in life.
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