A strong cold front is approaching the border, and is forecast to spread to the North from this evening and tonight (November 25), causing rain and strong winds. Temperatures will drop sharply, with some mountainous areas experiencing severe cold.
According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, currently (November 25), strong cold air is approaching our country's border.
From the evening and night of November 25, this cold air mass will affect the northeastern provinces, then affect the North Central, Northwest and Central Central regions. Northeast winds inland will be strong at level 3-4, coastal areas at level 4-5.
From early morning and November 26, the weather in the Northeast region of the North will turn cold; from November 26, other places in the North and North Central regions will turn cold. The lowest temperature during this cold air mass in the North and North Central regions will generally be from 16-18 degrees Celsius, in mountainous areas 12-14 degrees Celsius, and in high mountainous areas below 10 degrees Celsius.
Hanoi weather from the night of November 25 to the morning of November 26, there will be scattered rain. From November 26, the weather will turn cold. The lowest temperature in this cold air mass is commonly 16-18 degrees.
Detailed forecast:
Due to the influence of cold air, from the evening and night of November 25 to the morning of November 26, there will be scattered rain in the Northeast. From the night of November 25, there will be moderate rain, heavy rain, and locally very heavy rain in the North and Central Central regions. Thunderstorms may include tornadoes, lightning, and strong gusts of wind.
At sea, from the evening and night of November 25, in the Gulf of Tonkin, the Northeast wind will increase to level 6-7, gusting to level 8-9, rough seas; waves will be 2.0-3.5m high. From the night of November 25, in the North East Sea area (including the waters of the Hoang Sa archipelago), the Northeast wind will gradually increase to level 6-7, gusting to level 8-9, rough seas, waves will be 3.0-5.0m high; from the afternoon of November 26, the sea area from Quang Tri to Quang Ngai and the sea area north of the Central East Sea area will have strong Northeast wind at level 6, gusting to level 7-8, rough seas, waves will be 2.0-4.0m high.
Source: https://vietnamnet.vn/thong-tin-moi-ve-dot-khong-khi-lanh-manh-nhat-tu-dau-mua-2345484.html
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