The Party and State of Vietnam consider international cooperation on the sea an essential part of its foreign policy, contributing to consolidating Vietnam's position in the international community, protecting its sovereignty and legitimate rights, and promoting sustainable marine economic development. The focus on this area not only meets the requirements of economic development but also ensures security and stability for the country.
Vietnam's seas and islands are a sacred part of the Fatherland's territory. Photo: Internet
Therefore, Vietnam's correct viewpoint on international maritime cooperation for mutual development has received wide support from the international community, and thus its implementation in recent times has brought about certain achievements. Vietnam has achieved many outstanding achievements in international maritime cooperation, reflecting a consistent viewpoint on protecting sovereignty, sustainable development and enhancing the country's position in the international arena. Affirming National Sovereignty: Vietnam has actively participated in international forums to affirm its sovereignty over maritime areas, especially the East Sea. Vietnam's participation in international treaties and conventions such as the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has helped strengthen Vietnam's legal position in maritime disputes. Participation in the International and Regional Community: Vietnam has participated in many regional and international organizations and forums related to the sea such as ASEAN, APEC and conferences on maritime security. This not only helps to enhance Vietnam's position but also promotes cooperation in solving common challenges at sea. Building and participating in Partnership Agreements: Vietnam has signed many cooperation agreements with countries in the field of exploitation and protection of marine resources, ensuring sustainable development of the marine economy. For example, signing cooperation agreements in the field of marine scientific research with countries such as Japan, the United States, and ASEAN countries. Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation: Vietnam has implemented many international cooperation programs to protect the marine environment, combat pollution and conserve biodiversity. These programs are implemented in conjunction with international organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Enhancing Marine Resources Management Capacity: Through cooperation with international organizations, Vietnam has improved its capacity to manage marine resources, especially in the fields of research, science and technology for sustainable development and protection of marine resources. Developing the Marine Economy: International cooperation activities have contributed to the development of marine economic sectors such as aquaculture, fisheries and marine tourism. Vietnam has attracted foreign investment in marine economic development projects, creating job opportunities and improving the lives of coastal residents. Building a Maritime Security Network: Vietnam has cooperated with many countries and organizations to build a maritime security network, combat piracy and illegal activities. Participation in international search and rescue exercises has also contributed to improving the ability to respond to emergencies at sea. Promoting Dialogue and Peace: Vietnam has proactively promoted dialogues between relevant parties to peacefully resolve disputes in the East Sea, avoiding conflicts. This is demonstrated through bilateral and multilateral negotiations with countries in the region. In resolving and managing disputes, on the basis of international law, especially UNCLOS, Vietnam has successively resolved the issue of maritime delimitation in the Gulf of Thailand with Thailand in 1997, in the Gulf of Tonkin with China in 2000, and the delimitation of the continental shelf and exclusive economic zone with Indonesia in 2003 and 2022. Currently, Vietnam is making efforts with the parties to resolve outstanding disputes, such as negotiating with China on maritime delimitation in the area outside the mouth of the Gulf of Tonkin, promoting negotiations with Malaysia on overlapping maritime areas between the two sides. At the same time, based on the regulations of maritime zones as stated in UNCLOS and international practice, Vietnam has flexible and creative solutions in the process of resolving and handling disputes such as the agreement to jointly exploit oil and gas with Malaysia in the overlapping continental shelf between the two countries before the delimitation in 1992, together with Malaysia submitting the Joint Report on the Boundary of the Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in 2009. With China, we have reached an agreement on fisheries cooperation with China in the Gulf of Tonkin along with the signing of the delimitation agreement in 2000 and cooperation in implementing projects in less sensitive areas at sea with China such as the project "Cooperation in comparative research on the evolution of sediments in the Holocene period in the Red River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta"; "Deploying cooperation in releasing seeds and protecting aquatic resources in the Gulf of Tonkin"; "Cooperation in research on management of marine and island environments in the Gulf of Tonkin"...Affirming sovereignty and sovereign rights over national seas and islands. Photo: Internet
In specialized fields of the sea, Vietnam has established an open international cooperation network on the sea with countries with strong economic, scientific and technological potential in the sea such as Russia, Japan, the US, Australia, China, etc. It can be seen that the content and form of international cooperation on the sea between Vietnam and other countries and international organizations are increasingly going into depth and richness, helping us to maximize resources and international support to improve our capacity for marine management and exploitation. Vietnam's achievements in international cooperation on the sea not only enhance the country's position in the international arena but also contribute to the protection and sustainable development of marine resources. These activities reflect the strategic vision of the Party and State of Vietnam in protecting sovereignty and developing the marine economy, affirming Vietnam's role in the international community./.Kim Oanh
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