Walking along the Lam River through Thanh Ngoc and Ngoc Son communes (Thanh Chuong), we saw many "mountains" of unsold sand. A sand dock owner in Ngoc Son commune shared: "Sand has never been as sluggish and difficult to sell as this year. From around August 2023, the construction sand market suddenly became very difficult to sell. During peak periods, the sand dock sold 80-100 m3 /day at a price of 100,000 VND/ m3 , but now it only sells 15-20 m3 , some days even no sand trucks can be sold. Currently, the dock has over 1,000 tons of sand in stock. We are so impatient that we have had to reduce the price from 80,000 VND to 60,000 VND/ m3 of sand, but still no one is buying."
Mr. Nguyen The Cuong - Head of the Economic - Infrastructure Department of Thanh Chuong district said: "Thanh Chuong district has 17 sand wharves in operation. Due to difficulties in output, most of the sand wharves have a large backlog of about 15,000m3 of sand . Currently, sand mines in Thanh Chuong are operating at a low level, causing many sand mining workers to temporarily stop working to wait for the goods to "escape" before they can continue mining."

Also in the same situation, Do Luong district has many sand ports with backlogs. The owner of a sand port in Luu Son commune said: "Currently, the sand port has over 2,000m3 of remaining sand, the machinery system and workers have had to temporarily stop working these days. We have to deal with all this backlog of sand before we dare to continue mining."
According to observations, there are also many mountains of "sand" along the construction material gathering points in Yen Thanh district. Mr. Phan Ba Hai - a material gathering station owner in Nam Thanh commune said: For a long time, we have been buying sand from mines in Do Luong, Tan Ky, Thanh Chuong to gather and sell to local people quite conveniently, but for the past few months it has been very difficult to sell, currently there is over 2,500m3 of sand in stock. We have to use trucks to transport it to northern provinces such as Ninh Binh, Ha Nam...

It is known that the sand market is sluggish partly because this year there are few construction projects for the State and people, the North-South Expressway project and some sections of the coastal road project have been completed, so the demand for construction materials has decreased. Sand dock owners hope that from now until Tet, construction demand will increase again so that sand can be consumed better.
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