The plan aims to enhance responsibility and effectiveness in leadership, direction, management and operation capacity of all levels of government; the participation of the political system; the proactive consultation and proposal of the education and training sector, the labor - war invalids and social affairs sector, relevant departments and branches; the active participation of cadres, party members and people in the city to ensure synchronization, practicality and effectiveness in organizing and successfully implementing Directive 29/CT/TW of the Politburo.
Universalize preschool education for 5-year-old children: At least 60% of children of nursery age attend classes, 100% of children of kindergarten age attend school. Strive for the entire city to meet the standard of universal preschool education for 5-year-old children.
Universal primary education: At least 99% of 6-year-old children enter grade 1; 98% of 11-year-old children complete primary school, the remaining 11-year-old children are in primary school. Strive for the entire city to achieve level 3 universal primary education standards.
Universalization of lower secondary education: At least 99% of youth and adolescents aged 15 to 18 have a lower secondary school diploma; 90% of youth and adolescents aged 15 to 18 are studying general education, continuing education, and vocational education. Strive for the entire city to achieve the standard of universalization of lower secondary education level 3.
Illiteracy eradication: 99.6% of people aged 15 to 60 are literate at level 2; 96% of newly literate people continue to study and do not become illiterate again. Strive for the entire city to reach level 2 literacy standards.
Student streaming in general education: Maintain 100% of junior high schools and high schools with vocational education programs linked to local production, business and services; 100% of junior high schools and high schools have teachers who are part-time career counselors who meet professional and technical requirements. Strive for 30% of junior high school graduates to continue studying at vocational education institutions providing elementary and intermediate training; strive for 40% of high school graduates to continue studying at vocational education institutions providing college training.
The city requires strengthening propaganda and mobilization work, raising awareness and responsibility of all levels of government, the political system, cadres, party members and people in various forms, suitable for each target; increasing the participation of mass media agencies and promoting the advantages of oral propaganda; promoting the application of digital technology, social networks and the internet. Timely commending and replicating typical learning models, localities and units that have well implemented Directive No. 29-CT/TW.
Innovate policies on recruitment, use, treatment and attraction of teachers. Perfect the organization of the state management apparatus on education and training from the city to the grassroots level. Promote decentralization, delegation of authority and coordination between agencies and units.
Implement fundamental and comprehensive innovation in the content, programs, and methods of training and fostering preschool, general education, and vocational education teachers in the direction of standardization, modernization, democratization, and gradually approaching the standards of advanced countries. Focus on training and improving the qualities, ideology, ethics, and pedagogical capacity of the teaching staff.
Strengthen the organization of the state management apparatus for education and training; promote decentralization and delegation of authority; strengthen inspection and supervision, and strictly handle violations. Continue to improve the network of schools, classrooms, facilities, and teaching equipment. Promote socialization, creating conditions for individuals, businesses, and organizations at home and abroad to invest in building schools and classrooms.
The City People's Committee assigned the Department of Education and Training to provide guidance and direction on professional and technical matters in organizing the implementation of universal education, compulsory education, illiteracy eradication, and student streaming; focus on training and building a team of teachers and educational managers at all levels, sufficient in number, ensuring that they meet the standards of training and professional standards as prescribed. Preside over and coordinate with the Department of Home Affairs, relevant departments, branches and localities in planning human resources for the education sector to ensure sufficient staff, which can be linked between localities, in accordance with practical needs, taking into account the characteristics of the sector. Preside over and coordinate with relevant departments, branches and mass organizations to effectively implement the work of eliminating illiteracy for adults in families, clans, communities and units, promoting lifelong learning, and building a learning society.
The City People's Committee requests authorities at all levels to seriously disseminate the contents of Directive No. 29-CT/TW in various forms, ensuring practicality, effectiveness and breadth; concretize Directive No. 29-CT/TW of the Politburo in accordance with local and unit conditions, meeting the requirements of the capital's development in the new period; develop programs and plans for implementation to each facility; ensure resources for the development and implementation process.
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