When two or more countries are famous for a dish, they will both try to claim "sovereignty" over it, with the exception of Olivier salad.
Olivier salad is a famous appetizer, known by many diners, popular in many countries. The dish includes chopped potatoes, diced vegetables, boiled eggs, mayonnaise, spices. Some places add meat.
Russian salad or Olivier is usually served with bread. Photo: Delicerecipes
The dish was invented in the 1860s by Lucien Olivier, a chef at the high-end L'Hermitage restaurant in Moscow, Russia. The original version consisted of black caviar, capers, crayfish tails, and chicken as the main ingredients. Over the next 150 years, the dish evolved and became more affordable for those on a budget by replacing expensive ingredients with everyday foods.
Today, there are two main types of Olivier salad, with or without meat, and many other variations. Each country has its own version. According to Taste Atlas, the most interesting thing about this dish is that instead of claiming it as their own, countries attribute its origin to other countries. As a result, Olivier salad has many different names.
In the Balkans, people would call it Russian salad or French salad. In Norway and Denmark, it is called Italian salad, while Italians call it Russian salad. Algerians call it Macedonian salad, even though Macedonians have no connection to the dish's origins. Some people in Türkiye call it American salad. But no one calls it Belgian salad. "This seems unfair, since its inventor, Olivier, is Belgian," Taste Atlas writes.
How to order Olivier salad in different countries
Despite its different names, this salad remains one of the most delicious and popular appetizers in the world.
Anh Minh (According to Taste Atlas )
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