On the morning of May 6, the National Assembly Delegation of Nghe An province had a meeting with voters before the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly in Yen Son commune, Do Luong district.
At the meeting with voters, National Assembly deputies informed voters about the expected program and content of the 7th session - the mid-year regular session of the National Assembly in 2024, scheduled to open on May 20.
At this session, the National Assembly considered and approved 10 draft laws, 3 draft resolutions, and gave opinions on 11 draft laws; at the same time, it considered and decided on socio-economic issues, the state budget, and supervised and decided on other important issues of the country. National Assembly deputies reported on the results of handling opinions and recommendations of voters in Do Luong district.
Giving opinions at the meeting, voters of Yen Son commune highly appreciated the spirit and responsibility of the National Assembly and the Provincial National Assembly Delegation in receiving opinions and recommendations of voters and people in the district to send to the authorities for consideration and resolution.
In a democratic and open atmosphere, there were 11 opinions from voters of Yen Son commune, Do Luong district, proposing recommendations on various fields. Accordingly, voters proposed that the National Assembly continue to study and promulgate policies and have allowances for grassroots association staff, creating better conditions for associations to operate effectively.
Voter Nguyen Dang Binh in Minh Hoa hamlet, Yen Son commune reflected: Currently, villages and hamlets are having difficulty selecting people to be hamlet cadres. Cadres of youth unions and associations are currently elderly, some of whom are over 70 years old. Due to low allowances, many people are not interested in participating in mass organization activities in the hamlet.
Regarding policies, voter Le Hong Tam in Tan Trung Thinh hamlet, Yen Son commune requested the government to pay attention to lowering the age of receiving monthly support for the elderly from 80 years old to 75 years old; and support electricity bills for people with meritorious services.
Proposing a petition to the National Assembly delegate, voter Phan Ngoc Hai in Khanh The hamlet, Yen Son commune expressed concerns about the situation of working-age workers going away to work and the situation of abandoned agricultural land.
Voters want all levels and sectors to pay attention to developing economic models and attracting investment in building industrial factories to create jobs for local workers. At the same time, authorities need to strengthen supervision and tighten management of construction quality.
In addition, voters in Yen Son commune proposed to handle the situation of construction vehicles moving around affecting environmental hygiene and damaging roads. The State needs to strengthen food hygiene and safety management; handle violations of alcohol concentration. Voters reflected on the step-by-step electricity price affecting people's lives and production. Voters' opinions and recommendations related to compensation prices for land acquisition and site clearance, law-making work, etc.
Voters' opinions and recommendations were received, explained and clarified by representatives of departments, branches and Do Luong district.
Speaking at the meeting with voters, delegate Hoang Minh Hieu sincerely thanked the sentiments, trust as well as the enthusiastic, responsible and intelligent opinions of local voters towards the Provincial National Assembly Delegation.
Delegates also analyzed and clarified the opinions and recommendations of voters and people of Yen Son commune, Do Luong district at the conference.
At the same time, it is also requested that the provincial authorities promptly grasp and resolve the legitimate and justifiable concerns, aspirations and aspirations of the people under their jurisdiction. The opinions and recommendations of voters will be fully compiled by the delegation and forwarded to the competent authorities for consideration, resolution and response in accordance with regulations.
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