The small screen in early November broadcast 3 youth love films, gathering famous actors such as Manh Truong, Huyen Lizze, Nha Phuong, Song Luan. Will the youth film genre be able to attract audiences like crime and revenge films?
Actors in the movie Us 8 Years Later - Photo: Producer
The Rise of the Perfect Plan
Perfect Plan is leading the top 10 most watched shows and movies on television (according to Kanta Media).
The theme of revenge and crime with grudges lasting from parents to children exploited in The Perfect Plan is not new.
In the first episodes, the film did not impress the audience. The dubbing made the characters' voices unreal. The plot of the film was also unrealistic in some places.
Movie Trailer The Perfect Plan
Later, with the script inserting many unexpected details, "confusing" (audience opinion) because of the complex relationships of the characters, the film stimulates the curiosity of the viewers.
The cast such as Trung Dung, Tuyet Thu, Le Ha Anh, Thanh Duy, Le Minh Thanh, Thanh Binh, Huynh Truong Thinh... acted well, creating appeal for the film.
Coming in second on the list is the crime drama Black Pharma.
The film ends with the arrest of the City Boys gang's top henchmen. The police have found the person who researched and produced the dangerous new drug, Joy Water.
A plus point of this film is the good acting of the villain actors. Interwoven with the case, the film explores family stories as an alarm bell reminding parents to love and care for their children more.
Thanh Duy and Ha Anh in the movie Perfect Plan - Photo: Producer
Where does the appeal of youth movies come from?
After the end of Black Medicine, from November 6, VTV3 will broadcast Us 8 Years Later - a film full of youthfulness.
The film revolves around the lives of four young people Lam - Duong - Tung - Nguyet.
During their dreamy and memorable youth, they had a time of love and living life to the fullest. Then 8 years later, that love brought much pain of separation, of blame and even of infidelity...
Nha Phuong, Song Luan in the movie Love Before Wedding - Photo: Producer
Also a story of love and adultery of youth, Love Before Wedding will air from November 10 on VieON.
The film is a remake of Taiwan's We Can't Be Friends, which was loved for its story that is close to everyday young people.
Chasing Youth (airing from November 11 on VTV9) tells the love story of Thanh - a middle-aged man and a young girl named Thanh Xuan. From a couple of ill-fated lovers, with differences in age and personality, they gradually "attract" each other because of their opposites.
The transformation of television stations into youth love films is a good sign because it enriches the film menu, after a long time focusing on family films.
Quoc Huy and Ha Anh in the movie Chasing Youth - Photo: Producer
Love and youth life are always topics that audiences love because they are cute, gentle, and pure. However, to bring out the youthfulness in these films is not simple.
It requires an engaging script with intimate and “trendy” details. The actors must be able to portray the innocence of youth.
Hopefully, young faces like Tran Nghia, Hoang Ha, Ngoc Huyen, Quoc Anh or familiar actors Manh Truong, Huyen Lizze, B Tran (film We of 8 years later), Nha Phuong, Song Luan, Quoc Anh, Minh Trang (film Love before wedding), Ha Anh, Quoc Huy, Quach Ngoc Tuyen, Ngo Phuong Anh (film Chasing youth)... will create youthful emotions for the audience.
According to Tuoi Tre
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