At 4:00 a.m. on October 19, the center of the storm was located at approximately 18.8 degrees North latitude; 108.5 degrees East longitude, in the sea southwest of Hainan Island (China). The strongest wind near the center of the storm was level 8 (62-74 km/h), gusting to level 10. Moving in a North-Northwest direction at a speed of approximately 10 km/h.
Forecast of tropical depression development (in the next 24 to 48 hours):
Forecast time | Direction, speed | Location | Intensity | Danger zone | Disaster Risk Level (Affected Area) |
04h/20/10 | North Northwest, about 10 km/h, and likely stronger | 20.8N-108.0E; in the North Gulf of Tonkin | Level 8-9, jerk level 11 | North of latitude 17.0N; West of longitude route 110.0E | Level 3: Gulf of Tonkin area, sea area from Quang Tri |
04h/21/10 | South Southwest about 5 km/h and gradually weakens into a low pressure area. tropical | 19.5N-107.5E; in the Gulf of Tonkin | Level 6, level 8 jerk | North of latitude 17.5N; West of longitude route 110.0E | Level 3: Gulf of Tonkin Area |
04h/22/10 | South Southwest, 5km/h and weakening to a low pressure area | 18.2N-107.3E; in the South Gulf of Tonkin area | < Level 6 | North of latitude 17.5N; West of longitude route 109.5E | Level 3: Gulf of Tonkin Area |
Impact forecast: The Gulf of Tonkin (including Co To, Bach Long Vi) and the sea of Quang Tri will have strong winds of level 6-7, near the storm center strong winds of level 8-9, gusts of level 11, very rough seas. From early morning on October 20, the coastal areas from Quang Ninh to Thai Binh will have winds gradually increasing to level 6, gusts of level 7-8.
The Gulf of Tonkin sea area (including Co To, Bach Long Vi) and Quang Tri sea area have waves 2.0-4.0m high, later increasing to 3.0-5.0m.
All boats, anchorages, aquaculture areas, and sea dykes in this area are affected by strong winds and large waves.
* Weather in North Central region:
From October 19 to 21, in the North Central region, there is a possibility of moderate rain, heavy rain and thunderstorms in some places. Thunderstorms are likely to have tornadoes, lightning and strong gusts of wind.
* Coastal plain area
Cloudy, with rain, moderate rain and thunderstorms in some places. North to northwest wind level 3, in some places level 4.
- Temperature: 24 – 29 o C
- Humidity: 80 – 85%
* Midland and mountainous areas
Partly cloudy to cloudy with light rain and showers in some places. North to northwest wind force 2.
- Temperature: 22 – 30 o C.
- Humidity: 75 – 85%
* Vinh City Area
Cloudy with rain, moderate rain at times and thunderstorms possible. North to northwest wind force 3.
- Temperature: 24 – 29 o C.
- Humidity: 80 – 85%
* Cua Lo and Ngu Island area
- Cloudy with rain, moderate rain and thunderstorms. North to northwest wind level 4-5.
- - Temperature: 24 – 27 o C.
- Humidity: 85 – 90%
* Next 48 hours : Under the influence of weakly strengthening continental high pressure, the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) with its axis through the Central Central region connecting with storm No. 5 gradually lifts its axis to the North, so clouds change to mostly cloudy, with scattered rain and showers. North to northeast wind level 3, coastal areas level 4 in some places.
* During thunderstorms there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind .
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