Avoid overlapping and conflicting content
According to the Government's Submission, the policies in the dossier proposing the development of the Law on Urban and Rural Planning approved by the National Assembly include: Completing regulations on the urban and rural planning system; completing regulations on the establishment, appraisal, approval, review, and adjustment of urban and rural planning; completing regulations on the selection of planning consulting organizations, funding sources, and other relevant regulations to improve the quality and feasibility of urban and rural planning, and the right to access and provide information on urban and rural planning.
At the same time, the draft Law removes difficulties and obstacles for organizations and individuals, promoting production and business activities with basic new points such as: clearly defining the urban and rural planning system in terms of planning types and levels; clarifying the relationship with national planning, regional planning, provincial planning and specialized technical planning, ensuring consistency and synchronization in planning; strengthening decentralization and delegation of authority in making, appraising, approving and adjusting urban and rural planning.
Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh presented the Report on the examination of the draft Law on Urban and Rural Planning. Photo: Phuong Hoa/VNA
Along with that is simplifying the order and procedures in planning, appraisal and approval, meeting the requirements of improving the investment and business environment; supplementing and clearly regulating the content of underground space planning for provincial cities and regulating underground space planning to be made separately for centrally-run cities and new urban areas expected to be established as centrally-run cities; supplementing and more clearly regulating the funding sources for planning work, ensuring resources for planning implementation...
Presenting the Review Report, expressing agreement on the need to promulgate the law, Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh proposed clarifying the relationship between types of planning in the urban and rural planning system, the relationship between plans in the urban and rural planning system and plans in the national planning system and specialized technical plans, principles, bases for establishing and adjusting plans. At the same time, clearly defining the position and role of planning types and levels, ensuring connectivity, coupling, avoiding overlap, duplication, and conflicts in content between plans, causing waste of resources, difficulties in management, and creating barriers to socio-economic activities of people and businesses.
"In particular, it is necessary to resolutely eliminate the mindset of tenure, the mechanism of 'asking - giving', and 'group interests' in building, adjusting, and supplementing planning, leading to the situation of slow project implementation in reality," Mr. Vu Hong Thanh emphasized.
The Economic Committee also noted the need to decentralize and delegate authority in the establishment, appraisal, approval, adjustment and management of urban and rural planning in order to enhance the role, initiative and responsibility of local authorities in accordance with their capacity and implementation resources, in conjunction with enhancing the responsibility for control and supervision, ensuring unified leadership, direction and management of the central government. Along with that, it is necessary to reduce administrative procedures in the establishment, appraisal, approval and adjustment of urban and rural planning, meeting the requirements of improving the investment and business environment; ensuring that urban planning must have a strategic vision suitable to the specific type and level of planning...
Clearly classify types and levels of planning
Discussing in groups, delegates basically agreed with the implementation of the Law on Urban Planning and Rural Planning, meeting the requirements of the Party and State on planning, construction, management and sustainable urban development, closely linking and harmoniously combining urban and rural planning and development, especially associated with new rural construction.
National Assembly delegates of Ninh Thuan province attend the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly.
Commenting on the concepts in the draft law, delegate Tran Van Tien (Vinh Phuc) said: "Currently, Vietnam has been forming many new urban areas, appearing right in urban and rural residential areas. Therefore, the drafting agency needs to clearly explain the phrase 'in the draft Law'."
Regarding the explanation of the phrase "new urban area", delegate Tran Van Tien said that it was "not appropriate". According to delegate Tien, a new urban area should be understood as an urban area that has been invested in and newly formed. An urban area that is expanded from an old urban area or from a commune to establish a new city, town, or township cannot be called a new urban area but should be called an urban area formed in the future.
Similarly, according to delegate Ta Thi Yen (Dien Bien), in addition to the current concepts in planning and construction laws, the draft law has added 15 more concepts to ensure that the implementation of the law is complete, effective, and reflects the true nature of the problem.
According to the report of the Ministry of Construction, one of the reasons for the existence and limitations in the work of reviewing and adjusting planning is that the current law on planning is not unified and synchronous; there are no regulations clarifying the inspection and supervision mechanism for the implementation of planning work; and the responsibilities of agencies and organizations in reviewing and adjusting planning have not been resolutely clarified.
Therefore, delegate Ta Thi Yen proposed to study and supplement the draft Law with provisions on inspection and supervision of planning work; responsibilities and sanctions for agencies and organizations that do not implement or do not properly implement regulations on planning review and adjustment to help limit the current situation of suspended planning.
Proposing to clarify the hierarchical relationship between urban and rural planning, delegate Luu Ba Mac (Lang Son) said that currently there are many laws related to the planning field such as: Planning Law, Housing Law, Land Law (in which, Housing Law, Land Law are being submitted to the National Assembly for consideration and decision to take effect from August 1), which will affect the synchronization of the legal system on planning.
Delegate Luu Ba Mac said that clarifying the synchronization of the relationship between types of planning in the urban and rural planning system; the relationship between plans in the urban and rural planning system with plans in the national planning system and specialized technical plans... is really necessary and important.
In that spirit, delegate Luu Ba Mac suggested that it is necessary to clearly classify planning types and levels to avoid overlap, build a unified, detailed and transparent planning classification system; at the same time, set out clear regulations on the responsibilities of each agency in the process of planning, approving and implementing, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
According to baotintuc.vn
Source: http://baoninhthuan.com.vn/news/147758p24c34/xay-dung-che-tai-xu-ly-nham-han-che-quy-hoach-treo.htm
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