Conference Delegates |
In the period of 2021 - 2025, the Provincial Association for Promotion of Education has always actively responded to emulation movements, identifying emulation work as a key task to promote the implementation of targets and plans on promoting learning, promoting talents, and building a learning society. The organization of emulation movements, building and replicating advanced models have been carried out effectively, contributing to spreading the spirit of learning throughout society.
The Provincial Association for the Promotion of Education has done a good job of discovering, promoting and replicating advanced models of education promotion. Many examples have been widely publicized in the mass media to encourage and motivate the spirit of learning and self-study in the community.
In particular, the movement "Bac Kan promotes digital transformation program" in the period of 2022 - 2025 is strongly implemented by the Association for Promotion of Education. Up to now, the whole province has had 1,914 accounts managing the Association for Promotion of Education, over 86,500 people registered personal accounts on the Citizen Learning assessment software, accounting for more than 26% of the province's population. This is an important step forward in applying information technology to the development of a learning society.
Responding to the emulation movement "The whole country competes to build a learning society, promote lifelong learning in the period of 2023 - 2030" launched by the Prime Minister, the Provincial Association for Promotion of Education launched the Movement "Each person self-study, lifelong learning, meeting the requirements of sustainable development in the digital transformation period". Every year, the titles "Learning Family", "Learning Clan", "Learning Community", "Learning Unit", "Learning Citizen" all achieve and exceed the set targets.
Summarizing the period 2021 - 2025, the Provincial Association for Promotion of Education commended and rewarded 16 typical models of learning, including "Learning Family", "Learning Clan", "Learning Community" and "Learning Unit". Some typical examples include: Group 10B, Duc Xuan Ward, Bac Kan City; the family of Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Thong (Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Ward, Bac Kan City); the Pham family (Song Cau Ward, Bac Kan City); the family of Ms. Pham Thi Nga (Na Tu village, Cam Giang Commune, Bach Thong District); the Hoang Tho family (Na Hoan village, Tan Tu Commune, Bach Thong District); Cam Giang Secondary School (Cam Giang Commune, Bach Thong District)...
In the period of 2025 - 2030, the Provincial Association for Promotion of Education will continue to strongly respond to emulation movements launched by the province. At the same time, the Association will continue to consolidate and improve the organization of the Association at all levels, building an increasingly strong system to meet the requirements of the task of promoting education in the new period.
One of the important tasks is to continue to expand and replicate the models of "Learning Family", "Learning Clan", "Learning Community", "Learning Unit", "Learning Citizen". The Association also continues to promote the mobilization of all classes of people to register for accounts and use the "Learning Citizen" assessment software to raise awareness and promote the lifelong learning movement.
In addition, the Provincial Association for Promotion of Education is interested in building, managing and effectively using the Promotion of Education Fund to create more learning opportunities for people in difficult circumstances.
Delegates speaking at the Conference |
At the Conference, delegates presented a number of papers focusing on achievements and learning promotion work in localities and units.
Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Thu Trang spoke at the Conference |
On behalf of the provincial leaders, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Hoang Thu Trang acknowledged and commended the achievements of the Association for the Promotion of Education at all levels in the past time and the collectives and individuals who were awarded at the Conference. To continue promoting these achievements, he requested that the Associations at all levels continue to promote propaganda work, raise awareness of the people, agencies and enterprises about lifelong learning, promoting learning and talent; effectively implement the Government's Decisions, Programs and Projects on building a learning society; enhance the application of information technology, digital transformation in the work of promoting learning, effectively deploy software to evaluate citizens' learning; promote the socialization of the Education Promotion Fund, create more scholarships and awards for education; carry out emulation and reward work well, promptly commend exemplary collectives and individuals in the movement of promoting learning and talent.
Leaders of the Provincial Association for Promotion of Education awarded Certificates of Merit to collectives and individuals. |
Delegates take photos with awarded groups and individuals |
On this occasion, the Vietnam Association for Promoting Education presented the Excellent Emulation Flag and Certificates of Merit to 7 groups and 4 individuals. The Provincial Association for Promoting Education commended and rewarded 34 advanced models in the movement to promote learning, encourage talents, and build a learning society in the period of 2021 - 2025 and awarded Certificates of Merit to 15 groups and 16 individuals with outstanding achievements in promoting learning, encouraging talents, and building a learning society./.
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