Through medical history, the patient's family said that when the above symptoms appeared, the patient bought medicine from outside (unknown type) but it did not improve. The patient had a history of gastrointestinal bleeding due to esophageal varices, gastritis, and alcoholic cirrhosis.
On March 29, specialist doctor Truong Minh Hieu, Head of the Endoscopy Department, Xuyen A Long An General Hospital, said that after examination and based on test results, doctors diagnosed the patient with esophageal varices on the basis of alcoholic cirrhosis. The patient's condition needs to be treated quickly or it will lead to the risk of esophageal variceal rupture.
Doctors of the Endoscopy Department performed an interventional endoscopy - ligation of esophageal varices with rubber bands for the patient. During the endoscopy, 4 columns of varices in the middle third, grade III, blue, with red marks were discovered. After about 15 minutes, 6 rubber bands were ligated, re-examination showed no bleeding, the procedure was a great success.
After the intervention, the patient's condition was stable, continued to be monitored in the General Internal Medicine Department and was discharged home after 4 days of treatment.
Endoscopic image of esophageal varices in patients
Dr. Hieu said that esophageal varices are a common complication in patients with cirrhosis. This is a rather dangerous disease because of the high risk of bleeding. The endoscopic method of esophageal variceal ligation with rubber bands will tie off the enlarged veins, causing blood to no longer circulate in the ruptured veins and stop, leading to the formation of blood clots and fibrosis of the dilated esophageal veins. The purpose is to stop bleeding from dilated esophageal veins in cirrhosis. This method is the optimal choice, highly effective, and has saved the lives of many patients with acute bleeding due to esophageal varices.
To prevent cirrhosis as well as dangerous complications of cirrhosis such as gastrointestinal bleeding, Dr. Minh Hieu recommends that everyone should stay away from alcohol, vaccinate children and adults against hepatitis B, avoid eating raw food, and should eat and drink cooked food to avoid parasitic infections...
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