Currently in production, the traditional Cardinal red grape variety still accounts for a very high area (about 70%), the Cardinal grape variety has been grown in mass production for a long time (over 40 years), this is an easy-to-grow grape variety, capable of high productivity, adapting to a wide range of climate and soil conditions; however, the traditional red grape variety has revealed many disadvantages such as: low quality, many seeds, low brix, infected with some pests and diseases; therefore, the economic efficiency is less attractive to grape growers. Recently, the Nha Ho Cotton Research and Agricultural Development Institute (Nha Ho Institute) has researched, transferred and expanded into production a model of growing the new NH01-16 red grape variety with many similar characteristics to the traditional red grape variety, overcoming some disadvantages and bringing high efficiency in production.
NH01-16 grape variety has the ability to adapt well to the weather and soil conditions in Ninh Thuan; wide adaptability, easy to flower, fruit set, better resistance than Cardinal grape variety to some major pests and diseases. The growing time is similar to the traditional red Cardinal grape variety, about 88-97 days (depending on the crop). The fruit is long, large, thick-skinned, and has a beautiful bright red color when ripe; the fruit flesh is firm, with a characteristic aroma; the fruit cluster is elongated, with few branches; the cluster stem is large and long; the cluster weight ranges from 350-400 grams/cluster, at harvest the sugar content in the fruit juice is about 160Brix. The yield potential is quite high, averaging 15-18 tons/ha/crop, and in intensive farming conditions can reach 20 tons/ha/crop.
Technical staff monitor the NH01-16 grape garden.
Through large-scale planting in some localities, it has shown that the variety has demonstrated stability, and the NH01-16 grape variety is quite popular with consumers. In addition, the NH01-16 grape variety has been self-declared for circulation by the Nha Ho Institute according to the instructions in Decree No. 94/2019/ND-CP of the Government and is officially allowed to develop production in Ninh Thuan (in Document No. 01/VNCB-CBLH dated January 10, 2024). In order to organize production and supply of seedlings that ensure quality standards to serve production expansion, the Nha Ho Institute has built a parent garden and has been recognized by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (now the Department of Agriculture and Environment) as a parent garden (in Decision No. 399/QD-SNNPTNT dated September 13, 2024). At the same time, the NH01-16 grape variety has been accepted by the Plant Variety Protection Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (now the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment) for registration of new plant variety protection (Notice No. 152/TB-TT-VPBH dated February 1, 2024).
According to a survey, the NH01-16 grape variety is currently sold wholesale on the market at a price of 80,000-150,000 VND/kg; even at Mr. Ho Vang's grape farm in My Son commune (Ninh Son), the selling price ranges from 200,000-250,000 VND/kg. The new red grape variety NH01-16 is expected to gradually replace the area planted with the traditional Cardinal red grape variety due to its outstanding advantages and competitiveness in the market.
The research, transfer and successful trial planting of new red grape varieties NH01-16 not only contributes to enriching and diversifying local fresh grape varieties but also helps grape growers have more choices of grape varieties to gradually replace the traditional Cardinal red grape growing area that has degenerated and is less competitive in the market, contributing to increasing income and value per unit area, improving the efficiency and economic value of local grape plants.
Cong Kien
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