Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee has just issued Decision No. 1082/QD-UBND, dated September 10, 2024 on ranking the Bang Mo Volcano Scenic Site, Residential Group 4, Ea T'ling Town, Cu Jut District as a provincial-level relic.
According to the decision, the relic protection area is determined according to the minutes and maps zoning the relic protection areas in the relic records.
The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism is responsible before the law and the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for the accuracy of the content and documents submitted by the unit. The People's Committee of Cu Jut district and Ea T'ling town, within the scope of assigned tasks and powers, shall carry out State management of relics in accordance with the provisions of the law on cultural heritage.

According to documents, Bang Mo Volcano is a young volcano, typical of the central eruption type, dating from 200,000 - 600,000 years old. The volcano has a truncated cone shape with a concave center, an oval mouth edge, and a funnel-shaped mouth.
In prehistoric times, the basalt rocks of this volcano were exploited to make stone tools for the survival of ancient people. Nowadays, the basalt rocks of this volcano have been exploited as materials to serve the needs of building civil works and infrastructure. The weathering crust of these volcanic products creates a very fertile soil layer, suitable for cultivating many types of crops such as pepper, coffee, cashew, fruit trees, etc. for high productivity.
Bang Mo Volcano is the 15th destination out of 41 points of Dak Nong UNESCO Global Geopark. This is the first point on the tourist route “Symphony of the new wind”, following National Highway 14 through Cu Jut, Dak Mil, Dak Song districts.
Source: https://baodaknong.vn/dak-nong-xep-hang-di-tich-cap-tinh-nui-lua-bang-mo-229284.html
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