The Government has just issued Decree No. 39/2024/ND-CP stipulating measures to manage, protect and promote the value of Intangible Cultural Heritage in UNESCO Lists and the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.
According to the Decree, the principle in managing, protecting and promoting the value of Intangible Cultural Heritage is to ensure that Intangible Cultural Heritage is practiced to guide people and communities towards good cultural values; preserve identity; aim for comprehensive social development; ensure community and social safety; protect the environment; ensure respect for cultural diversity, the role of the subject community and the specific characteristics of ethnic groups and regions.
The Intangible Cultural Heritage of different communities is equally respected.
The Decree provides for the priority protection of intangible cultural heritages at risk of being lost, heritages of ethnic communities living in mountainous areas, remote areas, border areas, islands, ethnic groups with difficulties and characteristics, heritages of value to the whole community and society; prioritizing the decision-making rights of the subject community for the long-term and continuous existence and practice of the heritage, in accordance with the meaning and function of the heritage, in accordance with the laws on cultural heritage of Vietnam and international documents to which Vietnam is a member.
Inventory of 7 types of Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Decree clearly states that the inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage is carried out for the following 7 types of heritage:
Spoken and written language includes cultural expressions of the community, expressed through language and characters to convey information, knowledge, memories and cultural and social values of the community;

Folk literature includes cultural expressions of the community, expressed through works created and practiced by the community, including stories, legends, anecdotes, epics, fables, jokes, folk songs, proverbs and folk songs, rhymes, riddles and other similar cultural expressions passed down orally through many generations, reflecting the culture, customs, beliefs and perceptions of the community to directly serve different activities in community life;
Folk performing arts include cultural expressions of the community, expressed through performance forms created and practiced by the community, including music, singing, dancing, plays and other performance forms, originating from the cultural, spiritual and productive life of the community and directly serving the community's need to express and enjoy culture;
Social customs and beliefs include cultural expressions of a community, practiced by the community through regular ritual activities, ways of expressing individual and community beliefs or desires associated with important events, perceptions of the world, history and memory;
Traditional crafts include cultural expressions expressed through the practice and creativity of artisans and communities in the form of crafts with techniques, forms, decorations, arts, and materials that have indigenous elements and are passed down from generation to generation to create unique products that bear the cultural identity of the community;
Traditional festivals include a collection of many cultural expressions of a ritual nature created and practiced by the community; practiced periodically by the community in related cultural spaces to perform the following functions: awareness of nature and society, personality education, behavioral adjustment, communication between people and nature and between people, community entertainment and ensuring historical continuity;
Folk knowledge includes cultural expressions of the community formed from the historical interaction between the community and the natural environment and social environment to adapt, survive and express through experiences, knowledge, and skills to respond flexibly and in harmony with nature and society.
Inventory period from 3-6 years
The inventory period is as follows for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Representative List: every 6 years or as otherwise prescribed by UNESCO;
For Intangible Cultural Heritage on the List of Urgent Safeguarding: every 4 years or as otherwise prescribed by UNESCO;
For Intangible Cultural Heritage in the National List: Every 3 years from the date of registration.
Organizing a festival to introduce intangible culture
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival is an activity to protect heritage committed to in the dossier submitted to UNESCO, including organizing practices and performances by the host community; displaying, exhibiting, introducing, disseminating, raising awareness and capacity of the community, educating and promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Authority to organize Festivals: The Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism decides on the organization of Festivals of scale from 2 provincial administrative units or more, national and international in Vietnam.
The Chairman of the People's Committee of the province or centrally-run city decides on the organization of the Festival in the locality.
The festival is organized on the following scale and periodically: Festival of all types of Intangible Cultural Heritage organized by the competent agency for cultural heritage management under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on a national and international scale in Vietnam every 3 years;
Festivals of each type of national-scale Intangible Cultural Heritage in the country are organized by the competent agency for cultural heritage management under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism once a year;
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival covering two or more provinces or cities shall be proposed by the Chairman of the People's Committee of the province or centrally-run city with the heritage to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for consideration and decision upon agreement of the remaining provinces or centrally-run cities to be held alternately every two years.
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