Doctor CKII Pham Viet Hung, Head of Surgery Department, Quang Ninh General Hospital said that the above case is Mr. Nguyen Van T. in Van Don district.
About 2 months ago, Mr. T. felt pain and discomfort in his lower abdomen, bloating, frequent urination, and still felt uncomfortable after urinating, so he went to the hospital for examination.
Ultrasound and CT scan results showed that the patient had a large bladder diverticulum (15 x 20 cm) with an enlarged prostate, and surgery was indicated.
Doctor examines patient. (Photo: BVCC)
Doctor CKII Pham Viet Hung said that the case of patient T.'s diverticulum was formed due to a large enlarged prostate gland that protruded into the bladder, blocking the urinary outlet, causing difficulty urinating, increased pressure, and gradually forming a large bladder diverticulum.
"During surgery, we found that patient T's bladder contained more than 3 liters of urine, 6 times the normal capacity," said Dr. Hung, adding that patient T. underwent surgery via the subperitoneal approach.
After an hour of surgery, the surgeon removed the bladder diverticulum and removed the prostate tumor. The patient's bladder returned to its normal position, and the amount of residual urine after surgery was insignificant. The patient is now stable, the surgical wound is dry, and urination is good.
Bladder diverticulum is a herniation of the bladder lining through the bladder muscle. The cause of bladder diverticulum can be acquired or congenital.
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